Part 39

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Ananya’s Pov:

Yesterday, the senior officer announced that the top three groups who did best in the project, they’re going to hire them. They announced it after we submitted the projects. Not fair right. But we did our best. So, hope for the best. We don’t have to do projects anymore. We just need to help the other seniors with their works till they announce the result. Hopefully it’ll be out in a week.
Neeraj seems lost this week, don’t know what happen to him. He never out of focus from his work and when I asked, he just shooed me away telling nothing is going on. But I can tell something is bothering him.

And talking about my life, I’m just going with the flow. Don’t know where I’ll end up. Shiv is scared of Papa since he has called him. Scared is just a mere word to describe his situation. He was shocked at least for two days. Whenever he called just asked me, am I going to get approved from sir for our marriage? What if he doesn’t like me? Yeah, it’s all start with what if…I have never seen him paranoid like this before.


One week later…

The top three groups name along with their projects announced.

“The top three groups are Vaibhav and Rajesh, Saloni and Payel, Neeraj and Ananya. Congratulations guys and we’re officially welcome you guys to our company. The other groups, you also did well but sorry, we can’t hire you all. But I’ll recommend you to other companies. Best wishes for your future endeavours.”

I informed Mummy, Papa, Mom, Shiv, Avi and Harshi about my selection. They’re very happy for me and congratulate me. Shiv and Avi are happy that I’ll be in Delhi. I’m also happy that I don’t have to go door to door in different companies looking for job. Most especially I don’t have to relocate in a new city. I hate adjustment.

When I returned after the calls, I see Neeraj coming out from the Senior manager office.

“Hey, why did you go there? Did they call us?”

“No. Ananya I need to tell you something.”

“Ok, tell me.”

“I’m not going to work here.”

“What? Why? Neeraj, this is a good opportunity. We won’t get job in our hand like we got it here. We had to struggle many years to get a post in a reputed company. Nowadays you know how hard to get a job?”

“Yes, I know but I did this internship just to feel like others, you know going to an office 9 to 5, feel the office environment. But I have never thought to settle or do an office job. I did this for my experience.”

“Then what are you going to do, Neeraj? I think you already thought and planned about it.”

“Yes, I’m going to take over my family business. You already know, how dad increased his business though it’s small compared to others. But now I want to take the responsibilities from him. I can’t take a 9 to 5 job and left what he earned puts his blood and sweat.”

“That’s why we were distracted after the announcement?”

“Yes, I knew we’ll be in top three.” He said with a grin. A grin that tell I’ve confidence on myself and my abilities.

“Neeraj, you already made your decision in fact you came here with your goal in your mind. I can’t divert your mind and request you to take the job here. I respect your decision. So, all I can say is I’m proud of you. I’m sure your parent too. I hope every parent get a son like you.”

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