Part 37

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Ananya’s Pov:

Avi and uncle stayed for one night. Babu and I showed Avi the Dehradun city. We went to Robber’s cave, FRI, Buddha temple and Tapkeshwar temple. It was a great day. Next time when Avi will come, we planned to go to Rishikesh and Haridwar. Babu and Avi were planning to do river rafting in Rishikesh, in which I’m totally not interested. Because I’m scared of water and I don’t know how to swim. We’ll stay the whole day in Rishikesh, later in the evening we’ll enjoy the “Aarti” in Haridwar. That’s what we planned for next trip.

Avi promised me that he’ll meet me in Delhi. When I asked “After you join your duty will you get time to meet me?” As a doctor sometimes they don’t get time even to have lunch and he is new comer. So, he has a lot to learn from his senior doctor. He has to do all the things his senior doctor would ask.

“I can manage my time to meet you and if you want to come to base hospital or any other place just tell me earlier ok? I’ll send my car for you. You don’t need to travel on public bus or taxi. So, when I’ll be there, you don’t have to worry for anything.”

“I can travel on public bus. You don’t have to worry about it, and I don’t need your help. I can manage my own thing, understand?”

“No! I don’t understand. I’ll do whatever I feel right for you.”

“Avi, I’m not a fragile girl.”

“Did I say you’re a fragile girl? I like pampering you idiot girl.”

“Then don’t pamper me.”


“BABU! Please drag Avi out of my room. I don’t want to argue with him anymore.”

“You didn’t change a bit. In childhood, when you couldn’t win in an argument you started to cry. Now, you want me out of your room. Excellent. But I am not moving an inch from here.”

“Are you really going to annoy me this way even in Delhi?”

“If you won’t listen to me then yes. I’ll annoy you.” Arggh.

Though I don’t say in front of his face, I like his protectiveness and his care towards me. Like Shiv he doesn’t have any sibling. And I know how they feel. When everyone was busy playing with their siblings, Avi looked at them with a sad face. But when I called him to play with me you needed to see his face. It automatically lighted up with a big smile. And whenever Babu peed on his lap he never made a disgusted face even for a once. All I can say Avi cares for me even I want him to or not. I’m glad that he doesn’t change over the years.


“So, how was the reunion with Avik?” Papa asked me after the dinner.

“Great! He didn’t change a bit. It felt like we were still in our childhood days.”

“Ani, we Sukhdev and I are thinking about your and Avik marriage.”

“Avi is getting married! He didn’t tell me about this.”

“No Ani. I’m talking about your and Avik marriage. Together.”

“What! Avi and me? How can you think about it? Does Avi know it already?”

“No. He doesn’t know. We think you’ll be happy with him; he is a good guy.” I look at my mummy. She is looking helpless. Is it a good time to talk about Shiv to Papa? Because if I said it already it won’t happen today. But mummy eyes are telling me to not to tell. Papa might be angry and hurt because we hide it from him.

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