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One year later,

Shiv’s Pov:

“You don’t love me anymore, Shiv.”

“Ani! I’m doing this only for your good. Our good.”

“Then why are you sending me away from you? You know I can’t stay away from you.”

“even I don’t like to stay away from you but you have to. Please try to understand, love”

“Don’t call me love.”


We discussed this already but no she doesn’t want to listen to me. She is 21 weeks pregnant that’s why I’m sending her to Delhi to stay with mom. Even I said she can go to her mummy also but she isn’t ready to go. If she stays with me I can’t able to see her 24x7. I would be worried sick if I leave her alone here in the quarter. Therefore, there is no other option other than sending her to Delhi.

I already booked our tickets this time. I talked with Avi; he’ll accompany her to hospital when she needed to go on her check-ups. He is there in Base hospital, so I don’t have to worry about anything. And his girlfriend Maahi is in gynaecology department whom he met in operation theatre. Yes, this guy fell in love with her when he was in OT to do a surgery.
After Avi saw Maahi at OT, he called Ani and me anytime to ask how to ask her to a date, what to gift on her birthday and valentine day. She took almost four months to accept his proposal. Later she told Ani that she acted too hard to get just to see his reaction, till when he could wait for her. Smart girl, I must say.

Maahi assured me that she’ll take care of everything, just told me to send her before she couldn’t able to fly.

But Ani, she became moody after her pregnancy.

“Ok, I’ll go but you’ve to come before delivery.” Her eyes are brimming with tears.

“Of course, love. I’ll be there.”

“I’ll go to Delhi to mom, not to Dehradun.”

“Ok then I’ll call mom and mummy and let them know about it. I need to tell Maaahi also.”

“Don’t call Avi or Maahi, I’ll surprise them.”

“As you wish, but finished the glass of milk. You thought I forgot about it?”

“No, I won’t. I’m full.”

“Please, have it.”

“Say you love me fifty times.” yes, I have to anything she asks or she won't listen to me.

“I love you; I love you; I love you; I love you I love you I love you I love you………………. I love you.”

“I love you too.” She finished the rest of the glass of milk.


After four months,

Mom, Avi and I are waiting in the front of labour room since last night. Ani’s mummy and papa are coming from Dehradun. Yesterday I brought Ani to hospital, I was panicking so much but Avi assured that I don’t have to worry. But when I heard Ani’s crying in qpain, I couldn’t hold my emotion. I cried and pray to God. How she is still bearing the pain just to bring our baby in this world.

At 7.45 am, Maahi came out of the room and told us it’s a girl. We couldn’t happy more.

Yes! I won. I guessed it would be a girl and it is. Ani fought with me many times that it would be a boy.

We already thought baby’s name if it would be a boy then his name would be Saaj, if girl then Adveka. So, Adveka Kapoor welcome to this beautiful world.

I look at Avi, he is still hugging Maahi. He definitely knows how to take advantage of time. I cleared my throat.

“Oh! Sorry.”

“When I can meet Ani and my baby?” I asked Maahi. I can’t believe we became three from two.

“One hour more. Why don’t you guys have your breakfast?” Maahi suggested us.

“No! I won’t until I meet them.” I haven’t seen her for more than twelve hours. I just want to hug her and see my little baby girl. Our princess.

“Don’t act like a baby Shiv.” Avi said to me. I didn’t say anything. Let’s wait, his time will come, then I’ll see him.

“Let’s go to eat Aunty. He won't come with us.”

I just smiled at them.


💛The End💛

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