Part 21

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Ananya's pov:

My heart started to beat faster.. thumb thumb thumb. He had gone but I was still standing there. I look at the surroundings, checking if anyone seen that or not. I sighed in relief. No one is there except Hrishikesh. It is still early to come students, because the buses aren't arrived yet. I took a deep breath and walk towards my classroom without giving a glance at Hrishikesh. I heard a footsteps nearing me, before I can see who is that a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to our classroom. Hrishikesh. How dare he touched me this way? I struggled to free my hand from his tight grip but failed.

"Why are you dragging me? Leave me Hrishikesh. I'm saying LEAVE ME" I yelled at him but he is looking at me with emotions which I can't read.

"So, got a boyfriend?" He smirked. Is Shiv my boyfriend? A clear No. Not yet but I'm not going to tell him.

"This is none of your business. Leave my hand." I tried to free my hand, again failed. My vision started to become blur with tears.

"It is. I thought you are a innocent girl with a beautiful smile. But I was wrong. You even got a boyfriend within a month here. How clever you are. But listen, this army man will leave you. You don't know, they change girlfriends wherever they go. He is going to leave you. I'm just telling you the truth for your betterment. Think about it." He released my hand. It has become red. How did he know that Shiv is an Army? Then I remembered. Today, he was in uniform. But how can he say anything bad about an army man?

"You don't have to tell me what I have to do. And I don't need a character certificate how innocent I'm or not. Specially from you. You are going to tell me about how loyal an army man is, who doesn't care about others feeling, who dragged a girl to a classroom without her consent. Tell me." I yelled at him. I couldn't control my tears.

"And you don't have to tell me about how often they change girlfriends because you don't know how a relationship work. The day when you will know about this, you'll come to me and say sorry. And don't try to misbehave with me or any other girl from next time. If you will, then I'll call my army boyfriend. After that I don't know what he will do with you." I said to him and wiped my tears. He looked angry but didn't say anything. I went to my seat and set there because class is about to start.

The day started with practical class. Sir taught us four new practical and I was so busy to complete all of the practical that I didn't get time to think about the morning incident. That is good though. I didn't even tell Priya about this and I'm not gonna tell anyone.


Today, I couldn't come with Harshi. The practical took more time than I thought. When I entered in our room, she welcomed me with her magical smile. You won't believe me but whenever I see her smiling, I get energy in me . Yeah, sometimes I get irritate by her but I love her.

"You look tired." Harshi said to me when she had seen my exhausted face.

"Yeah, I'm so tired. The whole day I only did practical."

"Go freshen up, then you'll feel relax."

I lazily went to the bathroom and freshen up. After that I lay on my bed, taking my mobile on my hand. Missed calls. I guess, Mummy or Papa called me. I check the missed calls. Yes, 3 from mummy, 1 from papa and 2 from Shiv. I dialled mummy first because I know, she is waiting for me to call her back.

"You're late than usual. Is something happen? You reach your room safely right? Are you alright? Ani..." I love my mummy but when she gets worried she starts to act like typical Indian mother and ask questions without giving you time to answer. Then again she will ask, why are you not answering my questions? Why are you so silent? Are you really ok?

"I'm perfectly fine. I had lots of work to do and you know, I don't like to keep my works in pending. So, I completed my practical today itself. That's the reason, I'm late today than other day. Nothing happened." I told her. I was concerned while talking to her because I don't wanna spilled a single word in front of her. If I say even I don't know what will happen. She hand over the mobile to papa. Papa and I, talked for some time. He asked me about my class work and how it is going? I'm liking it or not? Papa and I, talked for some time then ended our conversation.

I am staring at the earlier missed calls from Shiv on mobile screen. I'm hesitating to dial his number because of what happened in today morning. He kissed on my forehead. Ok, it was just a peck. But what I'm going face him from next time. I'm feeling shy now. Without a second thought, I dialled Shiv's number.

"Why didn't you come with Harshi?" No hello. No hi. Direct question. I guess, he called Harshi when I couldn't answer his calls.

"I had lots of practical to complete" Arrrggghhh! I hate repeating.

"You discharged just two days ago, don't overwork "

"I can handle"

"I know, you can but don't pressure your body." I feel a tingle of joy in me because it feels good when someone is so concerned about you.

"When are you going to take me on dinner?" Out of nowhere he asked me about the dinner.

"I haven't decided yet" I said.

"So, we're really going on a dinner date?" What! dinner date? Did I hear correctly? Or I'm hallucinating? What to do? Is it okay if asked what he said? Dinner Date.

"Yes, your heard correctly. I said dinner date" he said breaking my chain of thoughts. How did he know what I'm thinking?

"I know what you're thinking without even seeing you. Not everyone has that quality only I have." I think, he knows black magic.

"You don't have to ask me for the dinner date. Even if you ask, It's a yes from me. So, you don't have to worry about the asking and all. You just decide the date. I'm ready to go whenever you say." I never thought to ask him to dinner opps sorry dinner date in a formal way. Like, Will you go with me on a dinner date. Seriously, Never in my slightest dream I thought this kind of think. Never.

He made dinner to dinner date. Now, he said about asking him.

"I'll decide and let you know." I said.


You know, I'm excited as well as anxious to go to the dinner with him. Even if it not a date like he said but I feel a bit of anxiety in me. I never been on a date. That is the reason, I'm feeling anxious I guess. Looking forward to go to the dinner date with you, Captain Shiv Kapoor.


Sorry for late update. I was busy that's why I couldn't update.

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