It was around 8 p.m. so I thought to make something for dinner. was something I didn't really use to enjoy before but I had no other choice but to cook. Now I could cook with peace and without any fear, I had been cooking with this much happiness since I had decided to live by myself and far away from them.

I was 10 when my dad died in an accident and my mother well...she was just a bitch. When she found out about the debt my father was under she left me alone. Yeah! A ten year old kid, all alone. I didn't have any sibling I was their only child. Everything in our lives was going fine until that day when my father got into an accident.
My mother was gone just like that, police tried to find her but she got disappeared as if she wasn't there at all. I was just a kid so they could either give me up for adoption or to send me to an orphanage.

The sad memories, that pain, the loneliness and how much scared my ten year old self was, I could still feel that. I didn't know from where but the police somehow got the information about my uncle, my father's brother. I had never met them before as my father had never mentioned anything about them to me. The police thought it was better to give me to my uncle than to some strangers.

I was already scared and terrified. I was mourning my father's death, I didn't know where my mother was and then they were taking me to some strangers they called my relatives. I was afraid to meet them but somewhere inside my heart there was a ray of hope of living with someone I could call a family. I had no idea how wrong I was!

In the beginning they were good to me then their behaviour turned civial neither bad nor good. I used to help my aunt in household chores but she never forced me into doing anything I didn't want to. Everything was going right until one day my uncle came home drunk. He used to drink on weekends so it wasn't anything new but his behaviour was different that day.

We were just about to eat our dinner when all of a sudden he pushed his plate aside resulting it into falling on the floor and broke into pieces. I was startled by his behaviour but I didn't react. My aunt told me to clean those pieces, I wanted to decline but I was scared when she gave me a glare so I did as told. I was midway cleaning it when a hand landed on the back of my head. I shrieked in shock and fell on the broken pieces due to the force. Tears started coming out of my eyes and a sob escaped my lips. My knees and hands were bruised because of getting in contact with the broken pieces of plate. I cried but didn't say anything out of fear. My uncle was yelling at me calling me an abomination. Since that day both my uncle & aunt started treating me like shit. They used to yell at me, forced me into doing household chores and beating me whenever they liked.

When I turned 15 I wasn't that naive and innocent anymore. I knew what they were doing to me was wrong and illegal. So finally after gathering enough courage I told everything to my teacher. Yes! My teacher, thanks to those bastards they didn't take my name back from school as they didn't want police to get suspicious of them.

So after my statement and assessing all the bruises their beating gave me, the police arrested them. They got the punishment of 10 years of imprisonment and was charged a heavy fine. Now you must be thinking why nobody noticed the bruises before? Well those bastards were smart they bruised me only where it could get covered with clothing.

(A/N : I didn't know about the exact punishment so I just wrote it by myself.)

I was still a kid as I was only 15 so this time they gave me up to an orphanage. I was afraid because of my past experiences but nothing bad happened with me there, instead everyone was very kind to me. Every kid there was caring & loving towards each other, because they knew how it was to be all alone with no parent. Some of them didn't even know who their parents were unlike me and some were just abandoned by them like me.

There I had spent 3 years of my life. I was good in studies so I got scholarship in both High school as well as college. I always wanted to treat and care for people so I decided to become a nurse. And here I was now after all those sufferings and hard work, living my life the way I wanted.

Sound of the microwave brought me back from my thoughts, indicating about the food that I had kept inside being ready. I ate my dinner in the living room with T.V. On. As I was going through the channels one particular channel or should I say News channel grabbed my attention. The news anchor was saying something about the biggest drug deal and how the underworld the mafias were involved in it.

I changed the channel as I didn't want to hear anymore. Those kinds of news related to them wasn't something I wanted to listen. I didn't want to involve the mafias into my life even if it was only the news.

I stretched my muscles as I yawned tiredly. After cleaning the utensils I went towards my room. I was so damn tired that as soon as I landed my body on the bed and laid under the comfort of my warm blanket I drifted into sleep.

*(Maya's bedroom ^^)*

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*(Maya's bedroom ^^)*

(Updated on July 1st, 2020)

So......How's it? This chapter is just about Maya's past life and how she is doing in her life now.

I hope you like it!
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Apologies for errors and mistakes.

Thank you! 💕
All the love
~G 🤗

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now