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I haven't really written anything in a long time, so lets hope this doesn't come out to be garbage!

POV - Minho

Music starts pounding into my head as I turn my MP3 player on. The song, "Get Cool" from Stray Kids starts blasting, my head swaying to the beat, as I walk to school. My backpack slung onto my back, only being held by a single hand. My feet move to the rhythm as my focus blurs.


I stand still, the song stops.

"Get out of the way, kid!" a man starts waving his hand, motioning to the side of the road. Quickly I walk off as the truck zooms past me. As if almost nothing happened to begin with.

Rude litt-

A hard hand hit my back cutting off my thoughts completely and making me stumble forward a bit. "Minho, trying to get yourself killed so early in the morning?" my friend asks while smiling brightly.

Way too happy for the morning time, all most too much. But it's always been this way, even when we were growing up together. Jisung would come over to my house in the mornings and wake me up with a huge stupid but cute grin on his face. He only did come over for the free breakfasts he got from my mother.

How do I put this, are "relationship" with each other is complicated. Jisung's the captain of the basketball team and one of the smartest people I know, but saying I dont know a lot of people would be an under statement really.

Girls flock to him were ever he goes so I never get to speak to him at school. At least if we do its a simple "hello" or "hey! Hows it going?", but the best time to get him alone to talk to him is before or after practice. He's so tired that he cant handle anthing else but to go to sleep be it my bed or his.

"Fine" I say, "but it would be a whole lot better if you keep your mouth shut in the morning"

Jisung moves in front of me and puts his hand on my chest to stop me, his chubby cheeks push out as he starts to pout. For a second I thought he would be able to feel my heart beat speed up. "Ay, dont be soooo mean!"

Rolling my eyes, I push his hand off me. My head was swirling with his touch but I dont want him to notice. I mean I don't even know if he's gay. I lightly hit his shoulder trying to get back into my persona.

I scan over my shoulder to see if he's following like he usually does, but this time he doesnt. Jisung's smile disappears and my heart drops as I rush back to him.

"H-hey Jisung, you know I didnt me-"

He finally looks straight at me, laughter spilling out from his mouth. "Bro!" he says gasping from how hard he's laughing "you should see you're face right now."

My hands move up to my face and I pull my eyelids down while sighing loudly. I look at him one more time wanting to hit him, but I decide not to.

"Morning~" Jisung practically sang.


The school doors move as Jisung pushes it open. Some people turn around to see who it was. They look happy to see Jisung but when they see me by his side their expressions change rapidly. To be honest I'm not hurt by it anymore, I mean look at Jisung, he's so cute with his squirrel like cheeks and round innocent eyes. His personality only makes him a hundred times better.

But when you look at me, its almost upsetting. Like I don't fit, that I shouldn't even be next to Jisung. Which is probably true. I'm nothing special, we just happen to live close to each other. (I know its cliché, but work with me here)

I try to get away quickly from Jisung to not hurt his popularity with people, but he grabs my wrist before I can. "Hey, come hangout with some of my friends before school starts. I think you might like them" he smiles and jesters told a group of guys.

I look over to where he's meaning and all I see is jocks, tall and handsome, not as handsome as Jisung though of course. One of them looks over, Chan I think, and sees me observing them. He gives me a nod of his head and a slight wink.

I look down, face a little flushed.

Minho stop, can't you be a man for once! Stop letting your dumb teenage hormones take over and breath.

Jisung smiles and adds, "It'll be fun. All the guys are really nice and accepting" his hand around my wrist tightens a little as he tugs at it.

What does he mean by accepting? Does Jisung know, that I'm gay? I want to know more by what he means, but I decide not to. Thinking about what type of risk it could be for Jisung. I shake my head no and get out of his grip. "I'll talk to you later" I say scurrying down the hall to my class.

Dont look back, Minho. Dont look back, you'll regret it...

I turn around and see a pained expression on Jisung's face. My heart starts to break.

I said dont look back, Minho. Now look at what you did, you hurt yourself and you hurt the person you care about most. Really good going there.

I try to shake these thoughts out of my head, but I hurt him. He always asks and he never takes it personal, but today was different. Why did he get all upset, what if he planned something for me, or maybe his friends really did want to meet me. Or... or... there were so many possibilities to choose from but I can't figure out which one it might be.

Stop thinking so much, Minho. Your making me sick just wondering about all these sceneries you can come up with.

"Sorry" I whisper to myself, inaudible for anyone else around to hear.


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