68: His Love Potion Worked

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"Nida !" I could hear him call me from the living room, I put back the book I was reading and exited my room to see what he wanted.

"Yeah?" I asked, entering the living room and saw him seated on the sofa with a rather serious look on his face.

"Where's my phone? Remember I gave it to you at uni?" He said.

"It's in my handbag, did you check?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

"I did." He just blankly responded.

I but my lip in confusion at his strange mood. "Well, did you......find it?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I did.....But I also found something else." His voice growing a little stern at the end and I gulped down my nervousness.

He raised a leaf of my anti-depressants that I bought a few days back, in between our faces and I shut my eyes, trying to calm my nerves at the sight.

Shit !

"Why Nida?" He asked quietly and I just stayed silent.

"Shehry I don't...owe you an explanation for this. So please." I just looked down and got off the sofa, but so did he.

"What do you mean you don't owe me an explanation? Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself ?!" He raised his voice and I clenched my fists in furiosity as he stood in front of me.

"I understand that you think I'm your wife, but I still don't have proof of it yet, so stop acting all caressive as a husband !!" I yelled.

"What the fuck do you mean ?! You're living with me ! And though I might not be your husband, it still affects me ! It affects me Nida! Why do you not understand ?!" He clenched his jaw in anger.

"But that still gives you no right to interfere in my personal life matters !" I scowled.

"It does Nida." His tone turned soft. "I care about you, and can't see you suffer like this. It's too painful for me even if I am or am not your husband." He looked down and a tear slipped off his right eye, and my heart cringed on the inside.

I was getting those urges again. This depression......My head ached as I tried to hold in my urge to take those anti-anxiety.....life killers.

He looked up at me and tears streamed down my face with a terrible pain inside me. One that only taking those pills could get rid of.

"Shehryaar.....I need those pills." I whispered and he looked at me in disbelief.

"Shehry please." I fell down at his feet and cried as my head and heart ached like hell in desperation of fulfilling my painful desire, or should I say.....an endless need that it had now become.

He just stood there, not saying a word and it stabbed me even more. I couldn't hold in the torment I was facing, any longer and dashed to my room.

I hastily rummaged through the drawers to find those few that I kept inside but they weren't there.

I cried louder and screamed my heart out in pain and he came into the room, running.

Unable to control myself, I grabbed his collar in rage. "Where the fuck did you put them ?! Where the fuck !! Are my pills ?!!" I screamed with my throat almost tearing apart.

"You'll never see them again." He whispered yanking me harshly off his collar as I fell to the ground.

I cried on the floor, helpless, as my vision grew blurry. I held my head which was exploding with excruciating pain. I punched the ground unable to hold in any longer and just dashed to the kitchen, with him following me.

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