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Chapter 40

Daisy was slowly putting on her clothes, barely sliding into her sweats; pulling on her t-shirt.

She hasn't seen Luke for a little more than a week, and it sucked.

The house was empty and lonely, nothing was on the television, and there was no good books to read.

Already, she was frustrated. She loved that Luke was following his dream, but she missed him terribly and was worried for some unknown reason.

God, she made it sound like Luke was leaving for war or something, he was just going on tour and would be make in a couple of months.

Sighing loudly, she quickly threw her hair up in a messy bun and slipped on her shoes, not really caring what she looked like.

It was December and she hated how it was still hot, she wanted the weather to be gloomy and dark just like her mood.

Grabbing her phone she checked for any messages. Luke hasn't text her all week except for when he landed, her anxiety was through the roof but she tried to stay calm.

She was scared that Luke would find a prettier and smarter girl and moved on; ready to kick her out of his apartment when he got back.

Daisy got mad at herself because Luke wouldn't do that, he was faithful.

Agreeing with herself, she walked out the door, ready to go to work.

She really didn't know why she worked there anymore, all she did was sit there and eat. She probably only recieved one or two calls a month, but she was happy it was only that small of an amount.

But that job was her sort of job because she could sit down all day and do nothing, so it all worked out.

Walking to work daily sucked but he didn't like to use Luke's car because it smelt of him, but her feet were killing her and she missed Luke and she sort of wanted to cry.

She was craving for the touch of his lips on hers; the feel of his rough hand wrapped around her smooth one.

Daisy kept on sighing and blinking back tears as she walked to the building, opening the doors she quickly wiped her eyes and took the elevator to her floor.

As she entered the room, Anna was already sitting in her chair, snacking on a small bag of pretzels.

"Hey," Daisy mumbled as she sat in her chair and let her head fall onto the desk.

Anna shook her head and crossed her arms, "He's only been gone for a week."

"I know," Daisy turned her head to look at Anna; her cheek resting agaisnt the desk, "but he still hasn't even called or anything."

"Daisy, he's on tour with One Direction. He's going to be busy until he gets use to being on the road constantly."

"I know, but I miss him."

Anna gave Daisy a small smile, "Of course you do."

"Like," Daisy started, "like a lot, a lot."

Anna hummed, "I'm sure you do, hun."

Daisy sighed dramatically and banged her head against the table, again.

"Stop that before you hurt your head."

"Why does it matter? My heart hurts much more than my head will ever."

Anna laughed and closed her bag of pretzels, "Sweetie, never become a poet."

"I wasn't even trying to be poetic!" Daisy whined as she lifted her head and reached over to grab Anna's pretzels.

"Just eat the pain away." Anna laughed once more before turning her attention to some Cosmo magazine.

Daisy slouched in her seat and stuffed multiple pretzels in her mouth at once.

Luke was probably off at some party and having fun or just getting done with a concert, while she was here eating and having improper posture.

She was moody and sad; her mouth was really dry due to the pretzels.

Daisy was miserable.

It was 2:09 a.m. and she wasn't sure if America's time zone was ahead of Australia or behind.

Soon after, the phone rang and she instantly perked up to answer it, "Hi, this is Daisy from Suicide Hotline of Sydney, Australia."

There was shuffling on the other line and she furrowed her eyebrows, then she heard a familiar voice.

"I miss you and I need you."

okay wow this fan-fiction is complete and finished um wow okay so like thanks to my three loyal readers who always comment and vote and then thanks to all the viewers who make me feel self consious about who's reading this but like

wow okay thanks I'll most likely be writing another fan fic in a short while I already have like two fan fics planned so yeah.

okay might cri

follow me on Instagram @c.oldnights

epilogue will be up soon

bye i love you

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