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Chapter 26

Luke, Liz and Daisy sat in the living room, Luke and Liz on the couch as Daisy was sitting across from them.

"So," Liz smiled, eyeing the two suspiciously, "you guys dating?"

Luke groaned and put his head in his hands as Daisy blushed slightly and stifled a laugh, "No, mom we aren't."

"Oh," Liz laughed, "I was just asking, gosh."

Daisy laughed, not really sure what to say.

"So Daisy, do you work?" Liz asked, her attention on the girl sitting across from her.

"Yeah," Daisy nodded, trying to ask Luke if she should tell Liz or not, he shook his head, "I just work for answering calls for a business."

"Sort of a boring job isn't it? Any college plans?"

"Well, I actually want to go to America to establish my career in the fashion industry."

"That's great, America is pretty far away though," Liz commented, giving Daisy a slight frown, wondering why she would want to move so far away.

"I don't really have any family here, so I won't be leaving much behind." Daisy shrugged and Luke stared blankly at the ground.

She wouldn't be leaving anything behind? What about him? Is he something that isn't worth staying for?

"Ah," Liz nodded, "I see," as she nodded, she gave Luke a slight pat on the back, clearly knowing what he was thinking.


Liz sticked around for a couple more hours, getting along with Daisy quite well, and Luke was thankful for that.

"Luke," Liz mom said as she was near the door, "can I talk to you outside for a minute?"

Luke looked at Daisy and she nodded, so he nodded at his mother and followed her outside.

As soon as he closed the door, his mom was on his case, "You like her don't you?"

Luke bit his lip, "No, we're just friends."

"That's total bull and I know it," Liz laughed, crossing her petite arms.

"Maybe," Luke shrugged, his mom perked her right eyebrow and he sighed, "Okay, yes I do, a lot."

"Then you go for her, and tell her that because she clearly feels the same way for you and if you don't see that, then I obviously raised a moron."

Luke gasped at his mother, but before he had time to reply his mom was already half way to her car, giving Luke an air kiss, (that he didn't catch).

He walked back into the apartment to see Daisy on the couch, Bones already on the television.

"So," Luke started, sitting down on the spot next to her, "what do you think?"

"I like her, a lot." She smiled sincerely, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Luke frowned, "What's wrong?" He asked, taking the remote from her hand and pausing the show.

"Nothing," Her voice was clipped, he knew something was wrong.

"Daisy," cupping her jaw with his cold hands, he turned her face to meet his eyes, "What's wrong?"

Sighing she shook her head, "I just miss being able to talk and mess around with my mom like you two, it just brought back some memories," laughing at her self she continued, "sorry, I'm just a little emotional."

Letting out a breathe, Luke pulled her in for a hug, "Don't be sorry."

an: guys it's been snowing since yesterday morning, it's been snowing for over 24 hours and today we had a snow day so no school yayayyay

oh I also have over 100 votes and +700 views wowowwwowow ily

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