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Chapter 39

Friday morning at 4:52, Luke and Daisy were rushing around the apartment trying to pack all of Luke's things.

The plane left at 5:45 a.m., it only took twenty minutes to get to the airport but Luke still had to pack most of his belongings.

"You got your toothbrush?" Daisy asked as she started walking towards the bathroom.

"Daisy, I can just buy one if I need to," Luke laughed as Daisy rolled her eyes but gave him a small smile.

"Do you have everything packed?" Taking quick glances at his bags he nodded.

"Well then, let's get going I guess."

Daisy was feeling miserable today, she felt sick and tired and sad because of Luke was leaving her for four weeks before he came back to visit for a couple days.

She could already tell she was going to be bored out of her mind during the day.

Daisy helped Luke haul his luggage into the trunk of the little old car. Daisy had trouble opening her side door and had to yank it open, nearly knocking herself down.

Luke laughed as Daisy huffed and got into her side, right before he did the same.

"I swear we'll get a new car when I come back," he was still laughing which made Daisy roll her eyes and cross her arms with a blush on her cheeks.

They finally were on the road to the airport, their hands were linked together that rested on Lukes lap.

Luke had his black sunglasses on which Daisy always thought made him look much more sexier than he already did. He had his left hand on the wheel, and his lip between his teeth.

The sun seemed to shine on Luke and only him, he looked so peaceful, but still nervous to leave.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," Luke teased as he quickly glanced at Daisy before he settled his eyes back on the road.

Daisy didn't notice she was staring until he said something which she shrugged to, "Damn it, I forgot to bring my camera."

Luke laughed which caused a small smile to appear on Daisy's lips.


When they finally arrived at the airport, it was 5:21 and both of them were already exhausted.

They sat in black, hard, plastic chairs that made Daisy sigh in dissatisfaction and Luke arch his back slightly.

"This sucks," Luke mumbled as he gave Daisy's hand a firm squeeze.

"What? These chairs or you leaving?"

Luke looked at Daisy, she had clear, dark circles under her eyes and no make-up on. Her hair was wavy and wild from her having it in a braid all night.

She honestly looked like a train wreck, but Luke didn't see that, he couldn't.

Daisy was beautiful. She was the rainbow after rain and the sky during a sunrise.

"Both," sighing he shook his head, "I'm going to miss you - like a lot."

"Me too," Daisy smiled sadly as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Five minutes later, Ashton, Michael, and Calum came running into the airport.

Out of breathe with his hands on his knees, Michael panted, "What the hell, I thought we were late."

Daisy shook her head but laughed, "They'll probably be announcing you guys to board the plane in less than five minutes."

Ashton groaned and Calum just sighed as they dropped their bags to the dusty floor.

"Flight 52 will be leaving shortly." A females voice was loud and clear and it made Daisy cringe.

"Fuck," Luke mumbled as he stood up, already getting emotional.

"So," Daisy began as she stood awkwardly in front of Luke, waiting for him to say something.

Luke quickly and firmly wrapped his arms around Daisy, hiding his face in the crook of her neck.

"Group hug!" Calum yelled as all three boys immediately joined the hug, uninvited.

"I already miss you," Daisy mumbled as she fluttered her eyes to try and keep the tears from falling.

"I love you," Luke's warm breathe made Daisy feel safe and at home, and she loved that.

"And I love you."

They pulled apart and Daisy kissed Luke, right on the lips.

His lips were like drugs that she was addicted to, and always got a high off no matter how small or large the dosage was.

Her lips were like a secret get-away. He was able to escape the world for a short while whenever they kissed, and it made him happy.

"C'mon Luke! We're going to be late!" Ashton whined as the two finally pulled apart.

Luke nodded and looked at Daisy's eyes for a few seconds, then kissed her forehead and turned towards the doors.

He couldn't turn back and look at her, he knew if he did he would be running back to her teary eyes.

Daisy watched him walk away with his bags in hand, and bracelets covering his wrist.

She felt the smooth bracelet on her wrist and gently twisted it around.

sort of a long chapter idk well I have 2k views wowowowow what

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