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Chapter 36

Saturday night, Michael, Calum, and Ashton dragged Luke and Daisy out of the apartment to go to some light show the city was having.

Ashton was driving while Michael (finally) was sitting in the passenger seat, resting his feet on the dash board. Luke was in the middle of the back seat while Daisy sat on his right and Calum on his left.

At eight o'clock was when the lights were suppose to be turned on, the event was just to walk around this little park and see these little creations people made out of Christmas lights.

Daisy was excited the boys wanted to go, she wanted to spend some time with them before they left for tour.

She was trying to stay away from that subject, but it was so damn hard when Michael, Calum, and Ashton were gushing about it. Daisy just chose to ignore their conversation when they talked about anything related to the tour.

It's not like she wasn't happy the boys were going on tour with One Direction, she was absolutely proud and overjoyed. She was just sort of sad about them leaving for a long time.

But it wasn't the end of the world, soon enough they would be home in Sydney and she'll be able to see them whenever she would like. So she chose to suck it up and deal with it.

They finally arrived at the park where the event what being held, and Daisy quickly hopped out of the car since it was already 8:12 and the show had started.

The boys soon caught up to her, Luke wrapping his hand around hers while the boys just walked behind them.

It was already starting to grow dark, and the lights looked beautiful. There were all varieties of different colors; blue, red, green, orange, pink, purple, white, and yellow.

Daisy absolutely loved it, it was perfect. She had a small smile on her face as they began walking around the park, admiring all the lights and creations.

Luke liked to see Daisy smile, it reached her eyes and it was beautiful.

As Daisy stopped the boys so she could look at this blue and white colored creation that was formed into a crown, a small crowd of girls came running up to the boys.

Daisy didn't noticed at first since her back was turned to them, but as soon as she heard crying and pictures being took she turned around.

There was about twenty or so girls who were asking for pictures and signatures and crying.

Of course all of the boys agreed and took loads of pictures with the fans, and that made Daisy smile as well.

She loved how all the boys loved their fans and would most likely do anything for them.

Daisy was asked several times if she was Lukes girlfriend and she just nodded simply with a smile and the girls squealed and some chanted, "otp" to which Daisy laughed at. She was also asked about seven million times if she could take a picture with a girl and the boys.

The crowd did attract attention, but no one bothered to say anything about it.

Even though the whole picture taking and signature signing took nearly a full hour, Daisy enjoyed seeing the boys interact with the fans.

As soon as the fans finally decided to part away and give the boys some space, Luke turned to Daisy and apologized.

Daisy laughed, "There's nothing you need to apologize for, Luke."

Luke sighed, "No, I'm sorry that you didn't see the whole park and just watched us take pictures."

"Seriously, Luke, I like meeting the fans. Plus, I'm getting tired anyways, I want to go home with you."

Luke smiled and nodded, not mainly because Daisy said he didn't need to apologize, but because Daisy said 'home', as in Lukes apartment, with him.

They say home is where the heart is, and he was glad her heart was at their place, with him.

wow okay i got my laptop so yay updates woo i'm planning to write this until fourty and i know exactly how i want to end this (((((::::::

im so excited but sad

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