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Chapter 19

Saturday night, Daisy was exhausted and Luke was shaking because of the amount of nerves that ran through his veins.

Daisy was dressed in a pair of faded jeans, with a black, cotton long-sleeve and a white scarf around her neck.

Her hair was hanging near her rib cage, naturally straight just like always.

Luke was in black skinny jeans, a Nirvana shirt and his hair in its usual stance, messy but neat looking.

His fingers strummed his guitar slowly, tracing the cords into his finger tips to try and carve them into his mind, not wanting to mess up even a string tonight.

Daisy hasn't really talked to Luke since Thursday, except for the small text she sent him to inform him that she's coming.

Her phone read 9:38, and the band started playing at 9:30.

The clubs sign was shining from down the road where Daisy quickly walked, trying to reach her destination.

Lukes eyes scanned the crowd of many drunk young adults, (some obvious teenagers), but he couldn't spot the face he was looking for.

They were on their second song, Ashton drumming the drums with all he has, Michael and Calum standing beside Luke with satisfied smiles on their lips.

Lukes smile was a little distance though, thinking that maybe she forgot or just didn't even want to come anymore.

The brown large door swung open from Lukes view, and his smile grew wider and it actually seemed to reach his eyes.

There she stood with dark circles under her eyes, with her natural brunette hair and cute little outfit, and a smile dancing across her lips as she spotted Luke and the band from afar.

God, did she look beautiful.

Luke liked to know that cute, small adorable smile was because of him and his small group of idioctic friends.

He didn't care that it wasn't just for him, but that it was for his crazy friends too and all these drunk people dancing as if they don't have a care in the world.

He was happy that the smile she showed was real, and she was happy as she travelled closer to the little stage the band stood upon.

"Everything is falling down. We're suffering, helpless thoughts and out we sing, prayers go to the sky."

Daisy leaned on the dirty wall behind her, crossing her arms with a smile on her lips.

She consumed in Luke's voice like it was her last time to ever nuture the feeling of peer bliss. His voice held emotions if you listened closely, whether or not the song related to him or not.

The crowd was more calm, clapping to the beat, some drunken hollering was heard, which made the boys smile like complete idiots.

Daisy knew the boys had talent, even before she heard them play. The emotions they held when they talked about performing in front of a crowd - big or small - and about the rush they recieved from it.

It was clear they didn't care if the people listening to the music were drunk or sober, they just cared if they liked it.

She noticed how Luke shut his eyes briefly when he sang, putting his heart into the lyrics.

She fell even harder for him.

And she didn't care.

an: okay double update i'll check for spelling errors tomorrow morning im sleepy rn okay goodnight love you guys

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