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Chapter 14

Daisy awoke to an arm loosely thrown over her waist, and some of Luke's hair tickling her neck.

She turned as carefully and slowly so she faced him, (she was about to start laughing from his hair on her neck)

She glanced over his side, seeing that it was around six in the afternoon. Letting out a breathe, she snuggled closer to Luke.

Luke yawned, holding Daisy tighter against him as he stretched.

"Good morning," he spoke with a raspy tone, before clearing his throat.

"It's six o'clock Luke," Daisy pointed out, lightly laughing against his covered chest.

"Whatever," Luke let his body relax to go back to his position he was laying in before.

"You're really cuddly, you know that?" Daisy looked up at him to see his eyes were closed.

"I like having someone in the same bed as me, I hate sleeping alone," he stated with a frown running along his forehead.

"Me too."

"Well then we could be sleeping buddies." Luke spoke, "Wait-" He began but once again cut off by Daisy laughing loudly, squinting her eyes closed, and Luke liked the sight of it, not even bothering to explain what he meant.

"Do you want something to eat?" Daisy wiggled through Luke's grip after she calmed herself down.

"Wait," Luke stuttered with excitement, "you'll make me food?"

"Well what kind of food do you have?"

"I got pancake stuff and eggs," Luke was really hoping she would make him some food.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Daisy patted Luke's leg before heading off toward the kitchen.

Luke laid back down, and thanked God that Daisy was here with him.

an: okay so I didn't have internet for the past two days and so I was like I'll just write a couple chapters so when I'm finally able to post I can double update

so I had like 4 chapters ready to go and post, but when I got home wattpad wasn't working and I tried shutting off my phone but wattpad wouldn't load so i deleted it and then reinstalled and when I was about to post the chapters, chapter 15-18 were gone and now I'm sad so sorry

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