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Chapter 30

Sunday morning at ten o'clock, Daisy was awakened by her phone vibrating on the bed side table, inflicting a groan to escape her mouth.

Snatching her phone, she hurriedly answered the call as she sat up on the mattress, greeting the caller with a groggy, "Hello?"

"Hello, Daisy, I've been informed about the issues with your apartment. I'm aware that you are most likely worried and scared about moving into another apartment by yourself, so Shannon and I are inviting you to stay with us until I can get things under control."

Daisy swore under her breath, angry with herself that she didn't check the caller ID first, "Dad, I'm fine. I've been staying with a friend, why bother calling now anyways when that happened nearly two weeks ago?"

"Like I said, I have just been informed."

"Oh, God," she laughed, "whatever Dad, goodbye."

She hung up, letting out a sigh, she looked at Luke to see he had been awake for what seems the whole conversation she had with her dad.

"He's calling now, about your house being broken into?" Luke lifted the blanket for Daisy to lay back down as he asked his question.

"Yeah, and he wanted me to stay at his house with his wife." She snorted, "I don't know how long it has been since I was in that house."

"You're staying here whether you like it or not." Luke pulled Daisy closer to him.

"Yes, sir." She laughed, already shutting her eyes to sleep for a few more hours.

Luke laughed as well, his warm breathe hitting her cold neck, making a slight tingle run through out her body, causing different emotions and reactions.

Her heart seemed to beat more rapidly and persistently, her eyes fluttered, even as her eyelids covered the hazel orbs.

She felt exhausted, but yet wide awake.


It was Monday night, and Daisy was getting ready for work.

She was nearly running late as Luke drove toturingly slow on the roads, causing her to tap her foot impatiently.

When they finally arrived, she opened the door, swinging her legs out right as Luke said her name.

"Daisy," Luke called out before she fully exited the car. "Yeah?" Daisy swung her head around to face Luke.

In the matter of a second, Luke crashed his lips onto her cold ones.

Relaxing her shoulders, she gave into the kiss. His lips were slightly chapped but it felt nice against her smooth lips.

As they pulled away, Daisy had a light but noticable blush on her cheeks while Luke had a smirk plastered onto his lips.

"Um," Daisy stuttered, "bye Luke."

Luke sent a small wave her way as she shut the door, and he drove away slowly to make sure she got inside the building safely.

an: okay wow havent updated in 3 days um wow wow wow.

im sorry but hey I have 1.1k views now woo

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