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Chapter 9

Daisy was nervous as hell as she shuffled across the road.

A bell rung above the door of the coffee shop as she entered, she looked around the room and noticed a couple and an elderly man sitting in different corners of the room.

She took a seat in a booth, her feet bouncing with anxiety, her hands tapping some random beat on the wooden table.

Her boss let her go home early, she was a nice old lady who lived in the third floor of the building who was feeling rather sick herself.

Daisy's throat and stomach felt awful, her throat had a feeling that she may vomit, but she knew she most likely wouldn't.

She felt like she was having an anxiety attack, (no surprise), she could literally feel the blood rushing through her veins, ticking down the minutes Luke would arrive.

Would he actually be who he makes himself out to be? An eighteen year old band member?

God, she felt like her heart was going to explode due to the quick pace of its beats.

She threw her hair up in a messy bun, then she realized what she was wearing.

Sweatpants, a plain long sleeve, and fucking socks with cats on them, what a first impression.

Sighing, she looked at her phone, she realized it's already been five minutes since she hung up the phone with Luke.

Then the door opened with a similar sound of the bell, in came a blue eyed, blonde boy and God was he beautiful.


Luke was happy, nervous and excited as he turned on his car.

He's finally going to meet Daisy, he already knew she was going to be just as he thought she would.

Beautiful, smart and a sarcastic little piece of shit.

He felt his heart pounding with pure excitement as he was a street away from the coffee shop where Daisy was.

He couldn't possibly keep the smile off his face as he turned onto the road.

The street lamps were on, due to it being almost five in the morning. The moon was bright; an airplane in the sky.

His breathing was a little unsteady as he pulled into the small parking lot, turning off his car.

Opening his car door, he somewhat stumbled out.

He saw silhouettes in the shops window; a couple, a man, and the girl he was looking for.

Jogging up to the doors, he pushed them open, locking eyes with pure brown eyes to see a nervous smile on her face.

Hell if he didn't feel his heart nearly pound out of his chest.

an: Idk how to feel about this chapter tbh but whatever I have over 100 views yay.

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