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Chapter 6

It was 12:53 in the morning as Daisy spun around in her chair, remaking her rubber band-ball.

She talked to Luke on the phone until she fell asleep yesterday, then texted him when she woke up.

Right when her little digital clock struck 1:00 a.m. she received a call.

"Hello, this is Daisy, and you have called the Suicide Hotline of Sydney, Australia."

"Hey, it's Luke."

Daisy knew Luke didn't just call to casually talk to her, she could hear the tone of his voice, the way sadness lingered in it.

"Hey, Luke, what's wrong?"

She wished she was physically there with him, to be able to actually hug him, to read his face expression.

"I don't know, it's kind of bad."

Luke sat on his unmade bed, glaring at his wrist that were covered with bracelets.

Daisy sighed, "What's bothering you?"

"Everything you know? I feel like my life is so great and bright one minute and the next it's like I never really was walking on the land of the living but more like I was wandering cluelessly around hell, and that fucking terrifies me."

"I feel the same way every day and every night, it sucks doesn't it?"

"Terribly," he replied, his voice quivering.

"But, when I wake up to the light peeking through my window and the sound of the city noise, it makes me realize that I am alive and living, that I am healthy and that I'm still fighting and surviving. That everything will be okay for a little while longer," Daisy bit her lip before continuing.

"Then at night I feel so fucking alone in the dark and small apartment. I feel like I'm not even worth seeing the light and the sound of the cars and the wind. But, then I eventually wake up to see the light and hear the noise and I realize I am, and so are you Luke."

Luke wiped the forming tears away from his face, "You sure you aren't some fucking Goddess or something?" He laughed softly.

"I don't have any cool super powers so I guess not," Daisy laughed along, happy that she made Luke feel a bit better.

"Have I ever mentioned I'm in a band?"

Daisy gasped, "Okay, so right now, judging from talking to you for the past few days, I'm pretty sure you were like 94 percent hot and now you're like 169 percent hot."

She clamped her hand over her mouth, "That slipped."

"But you were speaking the truth," Luke joked as he finally laid down on his bed, getting under the covers and forgetting about his earlier thoughts.

"Well, I don't know that yet," She said in a sing-song voice, snapping the rubber band.

"I promise we'll meet soon."

"Okay, but I don't want to know how you look like so when we meet it'll be like a surprise sort of, promise?"

"Promise," Luke confirmed before adding, "Maybe promise can be our always."

"Oh my gosh!" Daisy laughed loudly, clamping her hand over her mouth, "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious," Luke said as he turned off his lamp light.

an: this chapter was on monday morning bc I feel like these last chapters were confusing on the time frame.


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