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Chapter 4

Saturday, another night at work for Daisy. She gave her nod to Anna, and sat down in her worn out (but yet still comfortable) chair. Time slowly ticked on, and about thirty minutes in is when Daisy received her first call of the night.

"Hi, this is Daisy and you have called the Suicide Hotline of Sydney, Australia."

Luke sucked in a harsh breath before speaking, "Hey, Daisy, this is Luke." Luke then thought maybe that this wasn't the same Daisy as yesterday, and he felt stupid for a few seconds.

"Oh, hey Luke, how are you feeling?"

He let out a breathe of relief that it was her.

"Same as last night."

Daisy nodded her head, agreeing with Luke as she looked around the spaced out office with sort of familiar faces speaking on the phone, "Me too."

Luke raised his eyebrows at Daisy's answer, wondering if she was feeling the way Luke felt, or how she felt yesterday.

"And how do you feel?" Luke asked as he pulled the blanket further up his torso, turning on his side.

Daisy once again took a glance at office, and where Anna left to go home early, "Lonely, sad."

"Anyways, what are you doing Luke?" Daisy switched the topic quickly, and Luke sensed that.

"Laying in bed, "Luke replied casually as he stared out the window.

She sighed, "I would really like to lay down right now."

"Bet your bed is missing you right now," Luke laughed quietly as he heard Daisy let out a small snort.

"It better be," she joked, "anyway where did you go last night?"

Luke partly laughed but sighed, "My friends dragged me out of my house to go shopping for food and then we came back here and fell asleep."

"Yeah, after you hung up I had no one to talk to," Daisy pouted but she laughed.

"Aw," Luke cooed with a smile on his lips, "poor baby."

Daisy faked gasped, "For your information I am an eighteen year old woman."

"For all I know I'm talking to a thirty-six year old man with a girly voice." Luke joked.

"Damn it, you got me."

"I knew it all a long." Luke smirked, switching his phone to his other ear.

"Just curious," Daisy started, "you are really an eighteen year old boy right?"

Luke laughed loudly, "Yea, I swear, why?"

"Well, because here's my number and I want to meet you."

an: okay i don't know how im going to play this whole story out but yolo it'll be sorta cool maybe idk

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