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Chapter 8

It was a Tuesday night and Daisy was sitting in her chair with gray sweatpants and a white long sleeve on.

Anna wasn't there, she didn't arrive to work because her daughter was sick and she wanted to stay home to watch her.

So, Daisy was alone, feeling rather sick herself, wanting nothing more than just to go home and watch a couple re-runs of Bones.

Then the phone rung, already knowing who it is she answered with a simple, "Hey."

Luke was hesitant kind of thrown off guard with the simple greeting, "Daisy?"

"Yeah, I thought I'd spice up the greeting."

"Well that greeting was totally flaming."

Daisy laughed, feeling her throat ache.

"No, actually, I feel sick and I want to go home to cuddle with my Unicorn pillow pet and watch Bones."

"Then go home," Luke answered, taking off his shirt with one hand as his other was occupied with the phone.

"But," Daisy whined, "if I go home I have to walk and it's really cold outside because Novembers a bitch and I'm sick."

Luke pondered for a few seconds before asking, "I can come pick you up?"

Daisy stopped picking at her nails, her eyes going wide as she lifted her head, "What?"

"I said," Luke cleared his throat, "I can come pick you up."

"No, you don't have to," Daisy began, "it's late and you're probably laying in bed already."

Luke sat up in his bed, "Not anymore," then he sighed, "come on Daisy I'll just pick you up, my apartment is only like three minutes from your work."

"But then you would have to drive like twenty minutes to my apartment," Daisy bit her lip, she was running out of excuses for Luke not to pick her up.

"Daisy I'm already getting dressed and you could stay at my house if you want," Luke said slipping on sweatpants and a pull over jacket.

"But Luke-," Daisy was cut off by Luke, "No buts, I'm coming and that's final."

Daisy sighed in defeat, packing up her stuff, "Fine, but I'll be in the coffee shop across the road."

Luke hung up after hearing Daisy agree with a smile on his lips as he put on his shoes.

And it wasn't even cold outside, (it's Australia for Christ sakes).

double update because this chapter is an: short and juST IMAGINE LUKE TAKING OFF HIS SHIRT MY HORMONES ARE GOING CRAZY

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