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Chapter 18

It was around two o'clock on Thursday morning, Daisy sat in her usual spot, undoing her ball of rubber bands.

She was tired, (not a surprise), the boys had been with them all day Wednesday, and she only got a couple hours to nap before heading to work.

"You look tired, hun." Anna pointed out, giving Daisy a worried look.

"I just haven't had much sleep," Daisy shrugged, rubbing her eyes, trying anything to stay awake.

Anna gave her another worried glance before nodding and turning back to her desk.

Daisy knew that Anna knew she was lying, (mother instincts).

Honestly, Daisy was tired, confused and stressed. Did Luke like her or not?

She knew that she shouldn't even be worrying about that, she probably couldn't even handle a relationship with everyone she has going on.

But she still did, and she couldn't stop.

Well, Luke did like always being around her, whether they were sleeping or just talking, but there could be so many other reasons for that.

He did say she was pretty and beautiful, but that could be just nice and gentlemen-like compliments.


It was Friday evening, and Daisy hasn't seen Luke at all, he actually hasn't even texted her.

She was slowly preparing for work, packing her water, her granola bars, and phone charger.

It took a short amount of time to walk to work, but she decided to go for a walk around and clear her mind.

So, there she stood, in black sweatpants with a grey sweater and her hair in her usual messy bun that looked like a ponytail from a certain angle.

Work started in an hour, so she slowly wandered around the streets, admiring the little street lights that began to light up since it was almost eleven at night.

She started to admire all the cute little things that she would usually pass if she was in a car and not give a second thought.

Her thoughts were consumed on what she was doing for Thanksgiving, will her dad invite her to his place, and if he did, would she invite Luke?

She actually didn't even care about Thanksgiving, screw it. Black Friday was the night after and she was extremely pumped up for that, she would ask Luke if he could tag along with her.

Saturday night was in the corner of her thoughts too, how would it turn out? She was finally going to see the band play, and she was thrilled and excited, but nervous.

Luke said it would be at a club type of place, and she didn't like those places. They were filled with intoxicated people who had no clue what they were doing, and most likely wouldn't remember the night right up until they entered that crazy place.

The hour ticked by slowly - but yet quickly - and she realized all her thoughts had something to do with Luke.

She actually really didn't mind at all.

Luke was something she liked to think about.

an: okay wow i don't like my writing right now at a-l-l.

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