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Chapter 21

"I was at the club a couple streets down for about four hours, my friend volunteered to drop me off, and he opened the door and it was unlocked but I could've sworn I locked it, then he turned on the lights and that was what we saw, then we called you guys."

Daisy was currently talking to the police, giving her statement as Luke talked to another officer.

A few neighbors exited their apartments to see what had happened, and stayed outside to watch it all play out.

After many questions and answers, finally the police had cleared out and suggested she stayed with a friend for a couple nights just in case.

Of course, Luke jumped in at the moment and told the police that she could stay with him.

The police were packing up as she left with Luke to his apartment.

"Just to tell you the boys will probably be there." Luke told her, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.

"That's fine, I'll just take a shower and go to bed, probably."

Daisy and Luke entered his apartment to find the boys sprawled across the two couches watching some movie.

"Hey boys," Daisy greeted, kicking off her shoes with Luke shutting the door behind her.

"Oh, hey, what are you doing here?" Ashton asked as a popcorn kernel was thrown at his face by Calum.

"My apartment was broken into, so here I am."

"Wait, are you serious?" Calum questioned, sitting up from his position.

"Who would want to steal from you? All you got in your fridge is yogurt and carrots." Michael laughed, earning a shoe thrown at him from Luke.

"Yeah, Calum," rolling her eyes she glared at Michael, "Michael I had a shoe box full of money, let me note more money than you'll ever have, that's gone."

"Well, then you're in some deep shit." Michael said, not taking his eyes off the television.

Daisy rolled her eyes again, (restraining herself from punching Michael in the face), "I'm going to borrow some of your clothes and take a shower okay?"

Luke nodded as he followed behind her to his bedroom.

"Can you hand me some clothes too?" Luke asked as he took off his socks.


Daisy had been laying (crying as well), in Luke's bed for about a hour, the sound of the boys laughter and voices could be heard.

She was totally fucked over, she only had the money in her purse and the clothes that the criminals didn't seem to care about.

Eveything that was valuable in her apartment were gone, television, jewelry, expensive decorations.

God, and tonight was such a good night right up until then.

She felt as if she couldn't have just a sliver of happiness in her life that she could keep, everything was torn and ripped away from her just as soon as she recieved it.

The door creaked open, and she tried to lower down the sobs that came from her mouth.

Luke came in and quickly closed the door behind him, even though it was pitch black in the room, Luke could already tell something was wrong with Daisy.

"Hey," Luke said sliding into his bed next to her, "what's wrong?"

Luke had an arm slung over her waist and his other hand was running through her messy hair.

She laughed bitterly, not meaning to be rude.

"Everything, Luke, I literally lost all the savings I had in one night, I'm not going to be able to pay for rent for a while. I'm totally screwed."

Her voice was slightly above a whisper, it was hoarse, and the amount of stress she had on her shoulders could be clearly heard.

"It's going to be alright okay? You can stay with me for as long as you want."

Luke pulled her into his chest, running his fingers through her wet hair, his other had slipping under her shirt to rub her back.

His fingers were cold while Daisy's back was slightly warm, the contrast sent shivers down her spine and tingles up his arm.

Daisy nodded, hiding her face into his chest, she started to calm down.

She knew everything was not going to be okay, but as long as Luke was by her side everything would seem to be a bit better.

an: daisy will be living with luke for a while oh god (sex sex sex sex sex (on the counter)

no oh god they haven't even kissed yet jesus

but the next few chapters will be good (maybe) idk i know what i want to happen though

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