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Chapter 7

gasper: hey i miss u

Daisy smiled at the text she received.

moaner: dude we literally just talked last night

gasper: yeah but still

Luke looked up from his phone, seeing his three friends playing Fifa in his living room.

Ashton groaned, "Luke do you want to play now? Michael's cheating."

Michael gasped, "No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!" Ashton whined as Luke laughed.

Luke glanced down to his phone as he laid on the couch with a blanket.

moaner: wowowowow u so clingy already like bruh we haven't even fucked yet

Luke smiled before answering his friends, "No, I'm alright."

Ashton and Calum groaned while Michael had a victorious smile on his face.

gasper: srry but ur easy to cling to

moaner: im easy to fuck too

Luke laughed loudly, not caring because the boys didn't find that strange.

moaner: wAit NO

moaner: I'm still a virgin

moaner: #virgin4ever&ever

moaner: why am I always so weird when I talk to you

clinger: bc my weirdness generates off of me and onto you

virgin: probably so

virgin: ok so I was thinking about when we meet

virgin: and I was like what if we meet at a coffee shop and I don't know what you look like

virgin: and you don't know what I look like and what if I thought some random guy was you

virgin: and he didn't know what I was talking about but played along

virgin: and then he kidnapped me and killed me.

clinger: but u would know bc my name is Luke


Luke shook his head, feeling overwhelmingly happy because of her.

clinger: well js I'll probably know when I see bc I have like super awesome powers

clinger: so when we meet I'll hug you and I'll say 'Satan, I've finally met you'

clinger: and then you'll know okay?


Luke and Daisy had a smile on their face for the rest of the Tuesday morning.

an: lol #666imsatansdaughter666

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