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Chapter 11

Calum, Ashton and Michaels heads snapped toward where Luke's voice and Daisy's laugh came from.

"Who's she?" Michael asked at the same time Ashton said, "we're obviously watching a movie."

"She's Daisy," Luke answered for her, "and why are you guys watching a movie in my apartment?"

"Because you're tv is big." Calum simply said, throwing a popcorn kernel at the tv.

"Okay," Luke sighed, "can you guys leave now?"

Daisy was quite, she was amused with the boys bickering, she made an assumption that these were Luke's band members.

"But it's only half way through!" Michael whined, flailing his hand at the tv.

"Guys I'm-" Luke began, but Daisy cut him off.

"No, it's okay Luke, they can stay," she said as she sat on the couch, pulling Luke to sit by her.

The three boys turned around to look at her, "I like her better than you Luke, and we just met," Michael huffed.

Calum and Ashton nodded with agreement, crossing their arms before turning back to the tv.

"Are you sure?" Luke whispered into Daisy's ear, not wanting the boys to hear.

"Of course," Daisy smiled.

Daisy noticed his voice was slightly deeper in person that it was on the phone, and she liked it.

Forty-five minutes later, Daisy's legs were sprawled across Luke's lap and his legs were set on top of Calum's shoulders.

The movie had just ended and Ashton sighed, "Now what do we do?"

"Board game?" Calum suggested.

"No," Ashton sighed, taking the movie out of the X-box.

"Let's play Hangman!" Daisy chirped in, sitting up from her laying position.

"Why Hangman?" Michael said with a confused and disappointed, (in Daisys lame suggestion) look.

"Well," she started, "because I'm good at it and can beat your asses."

"Wow," Calum said with a approving smirk on his face, "I like her Luke."

Luke frowned with playfulness, pulling Daisy against his chest, causing her to be squished, "Stay away from her you creep, she's mine."

an: wowowowowowow can I legally buy a Luke and just make him say cute things to me bc wowwy that would be gr8

fyi filler chapter bc idk

also going to change my cover soon okay

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