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Chapter 34

Friday night, Luke's room smelt like vanilla candles with the scent of chinese food lingering throughout the house.

The food has just arrived and Daisy was inserting the first movie -Monsters Inc.

Grabbing all the blankets and pillows he could find, Luke assorted the bed into a little, comfy nest.

"We all set?" Daisy asked as she put the two plates full of food on the bed carefully.

"Indeed, we are." Luke climbed onto the bed with Daisy right beside him, proud of his little creation.

The movie finally started to play as Daisy switched off the lamp.

It was pitch black in the room except for the small light illuminating from the television. Luke had an arm thrown around Daisy's shoulder, his right hand occupied by the food.

Occasionally throughout the movie, Luke would plant a kiss on Daisy's forehead, or Daisy would look up at Luke and steal a kiss on the lips.

During the end, Daisy started to tear up, (she was a sucker for Disney movies). Luke laughed gently, giving her a tight squeeze.

When the movie finally came to an end, they both had finished off their food and it was around 11 o'clock.

"Go get a tub of ice cream and I'll put the next movie in." Daisy smiled, Luke nodded before hopping out of bed which made Daisy laugh.

Searching through the collection of movies Luke owned on the shelf she could hear Luke rummaging around in the kitchen.

She finally spotted, John Tucker Must Die, and to say she was ecstatic was an understatement.

It was on the third shelf up and she couldn't reach it, (fucking Luke had to be so tall).

Groaning and whining she stood on her tip-toes, jumping was apart of her little mission to grab the movie but it ended up with her hitting her head.

Luke stood behind her with his arms crossed, smirking at his cute and clumsy girlfriend who had her back turned to him.

Soon enough, Luke was behind her resting his hand on her waist and swiftly grabbing the movie with his other hand.

"Why the hell are so tall?" Daisy muttered (mainly to herself), turning around to only run into Luke's chest.

"Ow! What's with hitting my head against everything today?" (She had hit her forehead against the fridge this morning).

"Why the hell are you so adorable?" Luke mumbled setting his hands on Daisy's waist, slamming his lips onto hers.

Daisy was surprised, but she quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

This kiss wasn't like any other they shared, all of their kisses were slow and passionate, this one was rough and full of lust.

Daisy and Luke both liked it.

"Jump," Luke hastily whispered against her lips, Daisy immediately obeying.

Lukes hand were set on the bottom side of her thighs, and her fingers were tangled in his hair.

Luke nearly slammed Daisy into the wall which caused her to screech and giggle loudly, throwing her head back as she laughed.

He smiled widely at Daisy, admiring the way her tongue poked out when she laughed and the way her eyebrows scrunched together because of laughing so hard.

He liked the way her dimples would show even as her laughter was dying down and she only had a stupid, cute smile on her lips.

Leaving was going to be so much harder now.

ugh im going to try and make six more chapters

I dont want to end this book sigh

ok im gonna go write chapter 35

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