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Chapter 2

Daisy liked his name, Luke, it was simple and rolled off the tongue easily.

Daisy knew she had a certain procedure she had to say when talking to callers, ask how they were; where they were at; what they were doing; calm them down if needed.

But Daisy wasn't the one to be all formal, the questions always sounded so odd and boring when asked. So, she spoke to them as if they weren't calling a Suicide Hotline and were talking to a friend or a family member instead.

"Hey, Luke, how are you feeling?"

"Sort of sad, kind of lonely," Luke played with his lip piercing, feeling weird that he called, and awkward.

"Well then, you want to hear a joke?"

"Sure," he replied nonchalantly.

Daisy cleared her throat, partly laughing by thinking of it, "'What do you call an alligator in a vest?"

Luke hummed, thinking for a few short moments, "I don't know, tell me."

"Okay are you ready for this? An in-vest-igator!" Daisy was practically laughing to death while Luke sat puzzled for a few moments, then he joined in with her laughter.

Anna gave Daisy an odd glance but shrugged and turned back to her computer.

"Okay," Daisy began, "tell me about yourself."

"Well, my name is Luke Hemmings, I'm eighteen, I like bands and music a lot, dogs are cute, and I live in Sydney, Australia. Your turn."

"I'm Daisy Lorraine, I'm also eighteen, I agree with your opinion on dogs, music is my love, I'm anti-social, and I live in Sydney, Australia."

"Oh, wow we have a lot in common, don't we?" Luke smiled as he fiddled with the holes in his jeans.

Daisy smiled as she nodded softly, "I guess so."

After a couple seconds of silence, Daisy heard a couple others voices on the other end of the line.

Muffled, "Hey Luke," and "Come on let's go," and "Who are you talking to?" was what she heard for about fifteen seconds.

"Well, thank you Daisy, but I got to get going." Luke said in a whisper.

"Okay, have fun, bye Luke." And that was what she said after ending the call and continued passing the ball to Anna with a small, lingering smile on her face.

an: okay I don't like the ending but whatever

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