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Chapter 31

Daisy was taking a sip of her Gatorade when her phone buzzed, pressing the small button on her headset she answered the call.

"Hi, this is Daisy and you've called the Suicide Hotline of Sydney, Australia."

It was silent on the other side of the phone for a few seconds before a familiar voice spoke, "Will you have the pleasure of being my girlfriend?"

Daisy laughed, silently thanking God that Luke finally had the balls to ask her out, "I'm not sure, but you can have the pleasure of being my boyfriend."

Luke smiled, the feeling of relief flooding through his body, "So that's a yes?"

"Yes you idiot, now I have to go, see you when you pick me up, bye."

"Bye," Luke hung up the phone as he danced a little victorious dance, smiling like a complete idiot.


Luke was nervous as he waited outside the building for Daisy's shift to end.

Daisy, as in his girlfriend, came walking outside with her phone in hands and a string cheese hanging from her mouth.

"Hey," She greeted as she shut the car door closed and buckled herself in, quickly finishing off her cheese.

"Hi," Luke replied casually, seeing that Daisy's eyes had been glued to her phone.

"So what's more important than your boyfriend" The car was pulling out of the parking lot as Luke spoke.

"Sorry," She sighed as she glanced up at Luke, "but One Direction has some new photoshoot pictures."

"Oh, well that's reasonable," Luke shrugged with a smile as Daisy began to laugh and shut her phone off, putting her full attention on Luke.

"You know Luke, 5 Seconds of Summer is becoming big, I just saw a few fan pages and some weird tweets."

"I know," Luke smiled as he thought about the band and his many fans.

"You'll be invited on tour, write albums, have millions of fans."

"Yeah, you're over exaggerating but," Luke began, "what's your point?"

"Nothing really, I mean like, what's going to happen to us?"

"There will still remain an us whether the band goes on tour or not. I'm not going to let this relationship - which I've been waiting forever to actually develop - end because of some distance. Plus there's always a possibility you could come on tour with us or something."

"Yeah, I guess. We'll talk about it later, I mean like, we've only been officially dating for a couple hours."

Luke sighed as he gave Daisy a small smile, "It feels as if we've been dating for longer though."

"That's why I said officially."

Luke nodded as he pulled the car into the parking lot, immediately exiting the car to meet Daisy on the other side.

Daisy glanced at Luke before wrapping her hand in his as they walked down the small cement path to the door.

His touch was like a burning sensation that was unstoppable and unforgettable.

Her touch was liquid cold, like the feeling of the first snow flakes of the year after a hot summer, putting his skin to ease.

this is a crappy chapter sorry but I havent had my laptop for a while and I cant get a new iphone charger for another week or so, so I have to use this galaxy 4 mini for a while and I dont like typing on this phone.

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