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Chapter 24

Tuesday afternoon, at 1:34 p.m. Daisy awoke before Luke, gently sliding out of his grasp, she entered the kitchen.

Five minutes later she had a bowl of Lucky Charms in her lap, and the tv on Netflix playing season nines of Bones since she still hasn't seen it.

Two episodes passed and in came, (guess who), the boys.

"Hey Daisy!" Michael greeted loudly, immediately being shushed by her afterwards.

"Shh! Luke is still asleep!"

"Sorry," Michael sheepishly laughed quietly.

"Now be quiet you guys, I am watching Bones, and I haven't seen these ones yet."

Calum and Michael sat on the floor while Ashton laid on the couch, laying his feet in Daisys' lap.

Ten minutes into the show Calum made a comment, "That Angela girl is pretty hot." Calum sighed, leaning his head on the couch.

"Shush!" Daisy whined, turning up the volume.

"Don't bother her when she's watching her show," Luke grumbled suddenly, walking into the room and throwing Ashtons legs off the couch to sit next to Daisy.

"Good morning," Daisy smiled, peeking at Luke's wrist to see he had his bracelets back on.

"Mornin'," Luke gave her a small smile, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Don't we get any 'good mornings' Luke, gosh," Ashton asked, sliding down from the couch to the floor.

"It's not even morning," he pointed out, sending Ashton a small but playful glare.

"You just woke up and you're sassy, I'm done," Michael threw up his hands, standing up to walk to the kitchen.

"Baby come back!" Luke yelled, "Just kidding go away!"

"You're mean!" Michael whined, throwing an orange at Luke.

"I didn't know you had oranges," Daisy laughed as she started to peel the orange.

"I didn't either," Luke shrugged as he yawned, pulling Daisy down to lay next to him.

"Luke, I'm going to choke on the orange if I eat it laying down," she whined, trying to sit back up.

"Just kiss already, Jesus!" Calum groaned, sending a glare at the two before putting his attention back on the show.

This time, neither of them argued that they were 'just friends'.


Tuesday night, Daisy was spinning around in her chair, waiting for work to be over.

It was three in the morning, and she had been here since eleven, so she was naturally exhausted.

Her phone rang, and she literally prayed it would not be another actual caller, she wasn't sure she would be able to talk someone out of anything for a while, it was really, really emotional.

"Hello, this is Daisy, and you have called the Suicide Hotline of Sydney, Australia."

"Hey Daisy, I wanted to know real quick if you wanted anything from McDonalds because the boys and I are here and we'll be picking you up after your shift ends."

"Luke," Daisy laughed, "Why didn't you just text me or something?"

"Because I wanted to hear your voice, and this is how we met so," Luke mumbled, the boys clearing laughing in the background.

She laughed softly before answering, "Just a coffee."

"Alright, well the cool kids will be there around five to pick you up."

"Okay, bye uncool kid."

She heard a slight gasp from Luke before she hung up as she turned slightly to face Anna, who was giving her a slight smirk.

"What?" Daisy asked, quirking an eyebrow as she laughed quietly.

"So, Luke," Anna began, her smirk forming into a smile, "is it that boy that called you a couple weeks ago?"

"Yeah," Daisy replied sheepishly, (smiling like some dork).

"Oh," Anna laughed, making Daisy blush, "You're living with him also, right?"

"Yeah, since my house was broken into and stuff."

"Simple and enjoyable, fate," Anna gave Daisy a smile, before her phone rung and she turned around to pick it up.


Was that what it is?

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