The truth.

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After BaiLuYin, left Guhai's house, he went straight to YangMeng's apartment. He knew where YangMeng usually put the apartment's keys. He went inside and lay on the sofa without even turning the list on.
"The last thing I want is for Guhai and his dad to fight. How can I tell him that I was forced to go to America because I could die if I didn't go ASAP." BaiLuYin was talking to himself in the dark.
"So you didn't tell him what his dad did," YangMeng replied on the couch across the one BaiLuYin was laying on. BaiLuYin jumped of fear from where he was. He didn't know YangMeng was laying on the couch.
"What are you doing in the dark," BaiLuYin yelled, this guy almost scared him to death.
"Same thing as you." YangMeng reply with a sigh. He looked like he had a bad day.
"You're ok.?" BaiLuYin asked him while turning the light on. YangMeng was laying with his legs up hanging on the sofa's head, his head was on the floor.
"I was on a blind date." he said it like he had enough of them
"the girl was the daughter of my mom's friend." He said still hanging upside down.
"How many blind dates have been to this month only," BaiLuYin asked. Every time BaiLuYin called or texted him, he was either working or on a date. YangMeng's mother was getting worried about whether his son would get married or not. So every now and then she would get his son a date.
"5 this month only. She called me a half-man because I didn't sand Up for her. It's not like I told her I was into feminism. She wanted to argue with the waiter." He yelled while still on the floor.
"What about TouQi, what don't tell him all that. Maybe he will want to talk to your parents about your relationship with him."
BaiLuYin knew YangMeng and YouQi had something going, but every time BaiLuYin ask him about it, YangMeng always changed the subject
"You didn't tell Guhai what that old stinky Gu did?"
"Even if he didn't do it, I would. There's no way I would've let Guhai died."
"Yeah, but at least you would've had the choice."
"I don't want Guhai to think I left him because of what he did."
"Guhai love you." YangMeng wanted to assure his friend
"I don't know anymore."

After BaiLuYin left, Guhai was left alone in his apartment, he was thinking whether he was being to dramatic.
"Maybe I was too harsh." He said to himself. He wanted to see how far BaiLuYin was willing to go to get his forgiveness. He had never seen BaiLuYin vulnerable so, in some way, he really enjoyed this whole BaiLuYin being in his
He was walking in circle, thinking on what to do with BaiLuYin when his phone started ringing. It was BaiHanQi, BaiLuYin's dad. BaiHanQi has never called Guhai's phone before. He would always go to his apartment or sent Ting Chong to go get him, so Guhai was surprised by the call.
"Son, Let's talk, come over," BaiHanQi said and hang up the phone.
Earlier, BaiLuYin had called Ting Chong and told him he was having lunch with Guhai's dad and his mom. When BaiHanQi heard that, he figured that Guhai would be there, he also knew that BaiLuYin wouldn't tell him everything. He never said anything about what Gu Wei Ting did because he knew BaiLuYin would've done it anyway, but he couldn't stand there and watch his son suffer.

Guhai got in his car and drove to BaiHanQi's house in a hurry. It's like he something urgent was awaiting him.
When Guhai arrived, BaiHanQi was sitting in the kitchen table with Aunt Zhou. As soon as Aunt Zhou heard the car sound, she went to make sometea. They were both decided to tell him what had actually happened 8 years ago.
"Come in," BaiHanQi said to Guhai who was about to knock on the door.
"Uncle is everything ok," Guhai asked but didn't get an answer, instead, BaiHanQi waves him to sit.
"Uncle, I.." Guhai was about to say.
"It's ok if you hate us, it's ok if you don't wanna see us ever again, but you shouldn't hate BaiLuYin.
My son lied to you only because he had too. Therefore, you shouldn't be mad or hate him. BaiLuYin had always been the only child before I got married. So he was raised in a selfish way, but since he met you, he becomes so selfless that he would give his life for you."

Guhai was confused. He didn't know why BaiHanQi was telling him all that but he didn't stop him either. Guhai was thinking if he could find a good excuse to forgive BaiLuYin, he would take it.
While Guhai was lost in his thoughts. BaiHanQi started speaking again but this time, his voice was much calmer than before.
"After the accident, I was shocked when I saw BaiLuYin got out without any injuries. apparently, he thinks you had made it so that he didn't get severely injured, he kept saying that you protected him against the crash like you promised you would." BaiHanQi shook his head and smiled.

" I thought my son was saying that because he felt guilty about the accident.
The only injuries BaiLuYin had was from when he was trying to get you out of the crashing vehicle.
His fingernails were all injured, he had multiple small cuts in his hands but when it comes to his body part, he was in perfect condition. But you, on the other hand, was in a really bad state. We all thought you weren't going to make it.
Four of your ribs were broken, your right arm and right leg were also broken."
He handed Guhai a cup of tea. Guhai was still confused, he knew all about all that, why is BaiHanQi is telling him all that again.

"Both of your kidneys were damaged during the accident." BaiHanQi started talking again.
"At least that's what the doctor told us. He said you could die if you didn't get a kidney transplant in two weeks."
BaiHanQi stop talking for a moment, it's like he was trying to remember every little detail.

When BaiLuYin was at the hospital, the only person that was who there was Gu Yang, Guhai's brother. After Gu Yang made clear to BaiLuYin that he wanted him dead. BaiLuYin decided to leave Guhai's side but not for long until Guhai recovered. But that was before BaiLuYin learn that Guhai could die in less then two weeks if he didn't find a donor.

"When BaiLuYin heard about your kidney' problems, of course, he volunteered to be a donor and surprisingly, he was a good match.
Even though Aunt Zhou and Jiang Yuang thought it was a bad idea, BaiLuYin didn't want to listen to them. He didn't want to sit there and let the person he loves died, that's what he told me. He said you saved him, it was his time to do the same for you." BaiHanQi looks straight at Guhai a. Aunt Zhou was standing next to the kitchen counter. She couldn't hold her tears from falling.
"He was going to give you one of his kidneys.." Aunt Zhou yelled in a fit I anger
Guhai was shocked by this information. He knew he had a kidney problem, but his dad told him only one of his kidneys was damaged.

"They didn't tell him that he couldn't live with his other kidney. The doctor told him about all that later after he took the good one out.
Even though Gu Wei Ting knew about it, he didn't say anything. He's a parent, parents would do anything for their children even if it means other people would suffer from it."

At this rate, Guhai had figured what BaiHanQi was trying to say.
"They toke his good kidney without even thinking about what might happen to him," Guhai said with anger, his eyes become really red. The vein in his face was ready to pop out because of his anger.
"When he learned about everything, he wasn't even mad. He accepted Gu Wei Ting 's proposition to go to America for treatment because they couldn't find any donor for him here."

"He lied about his death because he didn't know if he would make it." Guhai couldn't believe his ears. BaiLuYin didn't abandon him. It was Gu Wei Ting's fault.
"My son loves you with all his heart," BaiHanQi said smiling. When he looked over Guhai was already gone.
Guhai didn't eve heard the last sentence, he got into his car and drove to Gu Wei Ting's house. He was beyond upset. His anger was bigger than any remaining love he had for his father.
"How dare he did that to you?"
Guhai punches the car steering wheel. He looked like a lion angry.
"I will make you pay old man."

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