"Mari, you're making a huge mistake," Isamu says. "We can bust him in other ways. You don't need these two to do so."

I shake my head. "No, you are by picking a fight with them. Sure, they're don't like humanity, but maybe blaming them is the wrong thing to do. They're being controlled by my husband and they're not going to be his puppets any longer." I don't know if Jin is hooked up to the Ark like Horobi probably is, but we'll find out soon.

"I guess we're going to have to head to ZAIA to get your key, Horobi!" Jin exclaims, seeming a bit unhappy about a slight change in plans. He thought he was going to have to head to A.I.M.S. first, so I don't blame him. "But we have to deal with A.I.M.S. first don't we? I think we need information from him."

"It appears so." Horobi seems thrilled as he usually is. 

"Tell me how Horobi got out," Isamu orders. Should he even actually be ordering these two around? I don't think he should try to.

"I freed him. Well, we freed him," Jin answers. "Not Mari though. She had no idea he was going to get out." So, Naki got him out with Jin? Just where is Naki at then?

"And where is this mysterious member at?" Isamu wants to know that? I doubt he's going to get an actual answer.

Jin steps towards us and he gets closer to Isamu, leaning in towards his ear. "They're closer than you think." He pulls back and he looks at me. "Mari, would you mind standing down and letting me do what I need to do?" He wants me to do what now?

"Stand down?" He wants me to follow what I promised to do before, right?

"Mari, come to my side so I can keep you safe from what will happen during this fight," Horobi orders. "You're following our orders from now on. You remember why you have to don't you?" Right...I still have a deal with them. It seemed like it ended, but it never truly did.

I nod my head and rush over to Horobi's side. I feel bad for Isamu, but I have no choice but to follow orders. Now that Kairi has awaken into her true self, she's in a lot of danger from Horobi and Jin being around and free to do what they please.

Horobi steps closer to me and he puts his hand on my wrist, holding onto me to keep me close. Jin moves around Isamu, laughing a little bit, and Isamu pulls out his key and pops it into his gun. He transforms as Jin removes his key from what appears to be a keychain of sorts. It might have been handcuffs at one point in time.

He places the key into his belt and he transforms, a fiery bird wrapping around him. Wo-ah! Jin is so cool now!

Isamu turns to Jin as he finishes transforming, aiming to punch him, and Jin turns to him. Jin blocks the hit and he tackles Isamu away. I move forward with Horobi, wanting to keep our eyes on the fight. I wouldn't normally just do what they want, but the deal is back into play. Horobi did let me go to be with Gai, but I'm sure that permission is now gone.

Jin hits Isamu down with ease and I turn to Horobi, staring at him as he stares at his son. He's really into being his father isn't he? I am proud that he is able to be a father and a happy one at that. He seems to really care for Jin.

I look back at the fight as Isamu shoots at Jin and Jin blocks it with his foot, not even getting hurt from it. Isamu stands up and rushes at Jin, trying to hit him once more, and Jin blocks him. I look back at Horobi as he lifts his head a bit, taking in the fight.


His eyes go to me and he nods his head. "It will be fine. Jin can handle himself."

My eyes return to Isamu and Jin, who are now locked up, and I swallow. I feel so bad for ditching Isamu, but I can't go against my deal with the two terrorists. I also feel bad for Aruto who is going to have to learn about this and have to deal with it. I hope he can understand why I have to do this.

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