[35] Trentacinque - Lady Godiva

Start from the beginning

Ciro runs his hands through his hair and says: "Imagine a girl like that as your little sister. I feel most sorry for Bruno though. I imagine him dragging her home from a club many many times. Because she lived with him by then."

Scorpia exchanges a look with Bruno and nods at him.

Bruno says: "The truth is, that it only got easier after that night. I explained to her that the worry would kill me if she went out like that and that the world is full of assholes trying to abuse girls. I understood that it gave her a sense of power, but... Anyway, we did everything together from that moment on. Boxing, clubbing, sleep, eat, riding bikes. I also bought her Harley around that time and paid for her driving lessons."

Scorpia smiles at Bruno and says: "Good deal."

Bruno laughs and says: "I promised her a bike of her own when she was little and I am a man of my word. I did demand one thing in return though. She had to out with me, never alone. The DVDs of our bike trips are filled with pictures and videos of the two of us. Mostly of the stuff we did between the riding. We used the school holidays to spend a lot of time on the road."

Ciro asks: "School holidays?"

Logan looks into Scorpia's eyes and she says: "Tell them."

Logan tells them that she's a kindergarten teacher. That she was Lucas' teacher and that she kept Scorpia and Miss Pia separated. Ciro and Dino stare at their sister and Ricardo softly says: "Layers." Logan nods at him and kisses Scorpia on her cheek.

Scorpia points at Bruno and says: "DVD. First trip."

Bruno gets up and asks: "Are you sure?" She grins and nods.

Logan gives her a questioning look and she whispers: "I might be half-naked on there." His eyes go wider and Scorpia gets up, to sit down on the floor, close to the TV. Logan sits down behind her and Bruno explains some things before pressing play.

"She just got her license after the first try. We're at the Harley Davidson dealer, another one of those special moments. She walks in and tells the guy she's there to find a bike. He looks at her like he can't believe a little girl like her could handle a Harley. She cleared her throat and asked the guy for Motorcycle clothes. The guy nodded and showed her some racks with clothing on it. He explained to her that they didn't have any changing rooms. She replied that she did want to try things on, before buying them."

Bruno chuckles and everyone stares at the tv. They watch Scorpia take her shirt and bra off and trying on a leather top. Bruno filmed it discretely from behind, but they can see the expression on the salesman's face. She takes her jeans off too and tries different things on.

She decides on a leather bustier, extremely tight leather pants, and a tight, leather jacket. And that's when she sees the stiletto-heeled boots. Bruno tries to tell her that they are not very practical, but she doesn't hear him anymore. She is already wearing them and strutting through the store in them.

Bruno tells her to pick out gloves and a helmet and she does listen to him this time. The salesman just stared at her all this time and hasn't said a word. They hear her say: "This little girl wants THAT bike."

Bruno turns the camera towards the bike she is pointing at and they see Ombra on the screen. The salesman tries to talk her out of it, but she just gets on the bike.

Logan kisses her neck and says: "You look so tough and err..."

She turns her face to him and asks: "Sexy?" Logan blushes and nods. She giggles and says: "That's how I felt. Every time I'm on a bike, by the way."

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