I close my eyes and shake my head. It isn't fine that I did any of that. I have caused a lot of trouble just by simply having the wrong face.

"Look me in the eyes, Mari, please," Aruto orders, begging for me to look at him.

I open my eyes as hot tears go down it. "Aruto..." I only hurt him and yet he keeps on loving and wanting me. I don't understand it. 

"I know you want to be with me, but I can wait for you to be a free woman. You'll be free of Gai as long as you believe in that, alright? I will get you out of his hands with your help. You're not useless and you've been trying to get free."

"All my plans..."

"Plans sometimes fail. Not everything goes well." He would know wouldn't he? He has a guy after his company and that guy has sabotaged a lot the competition it seems.

"Do you want to have some coffee or tea?" I can prepare it for him and take a breather.


I turn to the door as he removes his hands from me. I pull out my key and put it in the door, unlocking it. He is allowed in because I said so. Gai can't keep me from allowing people in and out of the house. I'm the housewife and the house is mine to control.

I open the door and step into the house. "Just follow me in."

I turn as Aruto enters my home slowly, his eyes looking around the wide space. He is probably wondering where any pictures of me are. Well, he's not going to find any. Gai doesn't care to keep such a thing.

"It seems like he doesn't have pictures of you."

"He does, but I doubt he'll put them out." He prefers having me at his side and in his care. "Aruto, I'll prepare the coffee or tea."

"Just pick whatever you want me to have. I trust your taste."

"I'll even make some cookies or something to go with it." I don't know what I have to use to bake, but I'll see what is there. "Please make yourself comfortable."

"I will."


"This is your closet?" Aruto asks me in shock as he stares at my huge selection of clothes. "This is like another room!"

"It is my closet." None of the clothes really seem like me though right now. I want to know who I truly am. "Gai bought me all of these and he keeps adding more now that I'm at home."

"How are you supposed to show yourself off if you're trapped inside the house?" Aruto asks me curiously, turning to me. "You're too pretty to keep inside like a caged bird."

"I am pretty sure he uses me for decoration." I move around him and touch a few of the fancy clothes. "Which one do you prefer?"

"I like the Mari I met when she came to Hiden Intelligence. She's the best version of you."

"I see..." I hate that I have an image now that is fake. "What about Juli? What do you think she would dress like?"

"Hm...she would dress in what she likes when she can and does her best to make people around her happy. So, she would dress more casually when she can."

I turn to him. "You think so?"

"Juli dressed the way Allen wanted her to, right? That wouldn't be the real her." Aruto turns and he looks at a few different clothes. "I think she would have loved to wear stuff like this dress here that is pretty casual looking. It isn't all fancy and all."

"Mari loves to show off her body." I smile. "I know I am Mari, but I am talking about the different personas. Juli and Mari are similar people, but they're not the same."

"True." He turns back to me. "Does your face ever ache?"

"No, not really." I shake my head. "By the way, my wound is healing well. You didn't hurt me that badly when you were under the Ark's influence." The Ark is a scary thing to mess with.

"I was just curious. You went through a lot in the face to become someone else. I can't imagine doing that."

"I was afraid." Even though Gai picked it out, I was under the assumption I picked my own face by saying who cares to what it looks like. "I didn't care if I turned out ugly or not since I just wanted to live." And look how that turned out.

"I am sorry." He looks away, looking pained. "I wish I could have met you first and married you."

"It is fine." I look him over, my eyes staring at his hoodie. "I love it when you wear your suit over your hoodie. It is unique." And super cute how he wears it like that. I like how it makes him stand out at his workplace. 

"Ah, really?" He looks himself over. "Wait...we're getting off topic!"

"Sorry, I just had to compliment you!" I wish we could be married and gushing over each other all the time. 

"It is fine, Mari. You're allowed to compliment me as many times as you want to."

I look him as he looks up at me, his eyes shining. "I hope to see you soon as myself. I want to show you the real person behind this image he wants me to have," I tell him, my voice a bit low. I want to give him my all. 

"I am sure that I'll have that soon. I want to see the Mari who smiles brightly and helps everyone out. Mari, I promise to help you get rid of him. He will pay for his crimes one day and you will be free of him. We'll get through this together." 

Oh, I hope so. "How about I start making you something to eat before you go? I will pack it for you to go home with."

"You'll do that?" His eyes go wide as a smile grows on his face. "You want to cook for me?"

I nod quickly. "Yes, I want to. I love you, Aruto."

"I love you too, Mari." He grins. "I can't wait to taste your cooking."

I hope he enjoys it and that he can really help me out. I know he'll keep his word.

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