"Does he tell you about my life?"

"I ask him about it and he responds with very little. However, I can read him easily since he is quite predictable in behavior."

"Ah, I see."

If I run away with Horobi, I'll never see anyone I love and care for again. I'll be in serious trouble with the law and Gai. Then Aruto will hate me for the rest of my entire life and he'll never want to see me again.

"What is he talking to you about now, Mari? Is he trying to get you to free him again or steal a smooch from you again?" Isamu asks. "If he tries anything you don't like, I'll turn him to scrap metal." I wouldn't know what to do if that happens again. Kissing Horobi...well, it was one interesting experience.

I turn to Isamu and shake my head. "He's just talking to me about personal things that I told him," I lie, covering up what Horobi asked me. "I would repeat them, but it really is personal and I don't want it out there."

I doubt he truly wants to run away with me. He's just saying this so I can somehow get him out of here. I don't even know how to get him out of here so he should just give up. Even if he did get free somehow, he'll just cause me an insane amount of trouble.

I look back at Horobi. "Did you tell him everything you know?"

"I told him only what I know. I am no longer connected to MetsubouJinrai.NET," he answers, probably being honest. I don't think he's programmed to lie about things like that. He's been pretty straightforward and honest in the past. Minus that time he lied to Allen about dating me. That was probably because it would protect me and the Ark is interested in keeping me safe.

"I see..."

"I might spill out more information eventually. I have served my purpose to the Ark." He means that he saved Jin and allowed him to get to singularity.

"I see. Well, I guess I should be heading out." I need to get home now. Gai wouldn't want me to stay out too long. "But first...tell me about the person I saw. If I am correct, they're Naki, aren't they?"

"Naki? Maybe it is all in your head," he tells me. In my head? "Maybe you were seeing things about them that weren't truly there." Not truly there? But I literally saw the hooded person bothering me.

Naki is all in my head? But I saw her. I saw them!

"Horobi..." Is he saying I'm crazy? "Are you trying to tell me that I am going insane?"

He smirks a bit. "You're far from being insane, Mari."

"What do you mean?"

"Mari, it is time to let you go home," Isamu tells me. "Horobi, stop making the flirts with her and let her leave. She's not into you any longer." I wish I could not be into Horobi, but that is just pretty much impossible. He's just not someone I'm pursuing because I have other interests and he has other interests.

I keep my eyes on Horobi. "Right."

"Take care, Mari," Horobi tells me.

I wish I could stay here and find out what he means by that. What does he mean by that Naki is in my head? If I'm not crazy, then what is it?


I place my cell phone into my purse, sighing a bit. I hate that I had to call Gai and tell him that Isamu needed my help with something that needed explaining. I don't know if he bought it or not, but that doesn't matter. Gai won't bother looking into it too much since he can careless about what I do with Isamu.

"Mari Amatsu."

I turn and look at the thing in front of me. Another Kamen Rider? The colors seem familiar, but that doesn't mean anything. The black suited person obviously is coming after me because of Gai. He's a magnet for trouble due to his lack of manners and being a total jerk face to everyone he comes across.

"What do you want?" I ask. I can't fight right now.

I don't have a key on me, so I can't fight him. Gai took my keys from me in order to keep me in check. He doesn't trust me too much despite me pledging my allegiance to him and acting like a good little wifey. Of course, I did get out of the house because of Abyss. So...I guess I'm not being the ideal wife for him right now.

They step towards me and I step back, shaking a bit. This is kind of scary. This isn't a good situation for me because I can't defend myself as long as they're in that suit.

"Tell me what you want! Answer me," I order, shaking a little. This is probably the scariest situation I've been in lately. Well...minus Gai making me pick between Aruto being safe and Aruto getting his butt spanked.

"Mari!" Aruto? How did he find me?

The Rider's head moves a bit, looking next to me, and I feel someone touch my arm gently. Aruto is here? Why?

"I'm afraid that you're not welcomed here," they say, talking to Aruto. Aruto isn't welcomed here? So, I'm the one they want?

"What?" I shake my head. "What are you going on about?"

What is this even about?

A/n: I'll give you another chapter at some point. Sorry for this one being late, I've been dealing with a migraine all day long (I have no fever or anything, so it could just be because of other reasons. I'm still monitoring myself just in case though).

Thanks for reading and please wait for the next chapter. It'll be...big.

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