"Can't say anything about her doing that with him, President of Hiden Intelligence?" Gai is taunting him and I don't like it.

"Gai...please..." I don't want to beg him to stop, but I don't know what to do. I have never been in a situation like this before in my life.

"It is a shame that you thought you could steal my wife from me," Gai says, probably smirking. "She has little to no love for me at all and it the same for you. She only loves that HumaGear and it is really disgusting. Don't you think so too, Aruto?" 

Is it really that disgusting to love someone like Horobi? And it is true that I don't have any love for Gai, but I was willing to get love for him in my heart if he would have been a good husband. I can't help that he decided to be a terrible person and push me away from him. 

I get that Horobi is really evil, but there are good points to him. It isn't his fault that he is evil. He is being controlled and used. He only knows what he has been taught and he can be taught to love everyone else around him if given the proper chance to. I'm sure he wasn't always as bad as he was. I don't know what kind of HumaGear he was before, but I'm sure he was a good HumaGear who loves people and cared for them. 

"You enjoyed that HumaGear terrorist kissing you and you should admit it," Gai tells me, his voice sounding as normal as it usually does. "It felt so good for you and you thought it was sinful to enjoy it. So, you decided to keep it from Aruto and keep it within yourself. If you truly loved him, you wouldn't keep secrets from him."

"Gai, that is enough!" I shout, my voice shaking a bit. "Please...don't be like this with Aruto. I'll do whatever you want, just leave him alone and out of it. This is between you and me, not you and him." 

It is my marriage to him that is causing issues, not anything really between them. Sure, Aruto touched me, but I wanted that. I never asked for him to do much for me. He has done everything he has wanted to do and I have done everything I wanted to do with him. 

"What's wrong, Mari? Did you forget to tell him about you and Horobi's secret meeting? I bet you wanted to go to his side and break him free the moment you saw him." How can he go and say all of this in front of Aruto? "I bet it was a moment for you. It was a really, really special moment for you and Horobi."

"Stop." I don't want him to keep talking. "Just stop, okay? You're twisting everything in front of Aruto just to make him suffer. You're twisting the truth and turning it into something no one can recognize." He may sound like he's telling the truth, but he's making it all up. I...I don't want him to believe in what Gai is saying about me and Horobi right now.

Sure, I wanted to free Horobi. But that doesn't mean I would have ran to his side and done whatever he needed me to. I'm not going to break the law just to have Horobi at my side. I'm not going to live on the run with him and I'm not going to hurt others to help the one I love. I'm sure it was a moment for Horobi, but it wasn't much of a moment for me. 

"It is a lie! Mari would never let Horobi kiss her!" Aruto exclaims. "She's only going along with what you're saying because she's afraid of you!"

Aruto...oh, you're so wrong about that. I did let it happen because I didn't expect it to happen. I never went to that place thinking it'll happen. I never thought he would kiss me or that we would even be that close to each other. It was my mistake and my sin. 

I turn a bit and stare at my husband. "Gai, please stop this!"

"Oh, do you want me to prove that she did? That is easy to do," Gai says, lifting up his arm and pulling up part of his jacket. He presses on his watch and a clip pops up, showing Horobi placing a kiss on my lips.

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