Review by Grey: Hamilton High Blood

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Title: Hamilton High Blood

Author: lustflames

Reviewer: A_Sadistic_Otaku

Summary: 5/5

Your summary is very captivating and gives the reader a vague understanding of the things to come. It is written in a beautiful manner. I love it how it introduces the main character and her primary motive.

Grammar: 4.5/5

Everything was perfect! Though there were some like: 

"No-" the talkative gay cut me off.

The guy himself didn't mention that he was gay, it was confusing for me in the start, but in the later chapters, Daisy confirmed that he was gay.

Character Building: 4/5

The characters in your story are very likeable, I seriously love how a side character like Hannah went from being a brat to just a jealous teen with her own problems.

You also did a great job introducing other characters like Liam and 'the gay friend', even Delilah.

But the major lacking is to actually build them. The main character, Daisy, from the start is still a the same way she was. Yes, she did tried to talk to Liam herself but that is it.

However, the last chapter did change things up when she wanted to know what was happening and not wanting to run away. While it was very slow it was still worth it.

Though the other characters like Henry and his relationship with Delilah was surprising, it has not affected Henry as a character.

Writing Style: 4/5

Your writing style is very good however it left me in confusion when Daisy suddenly got flashbacks and the voices she heard.

The prologue gave me the most trouble. I was very confused as to how a 10-year-old was able to tell everything until I read the comment that this was in flashback. Usually, people denote flashback with italics or you can mention that this is a flashback.

Plot + Originality: 3.5/5

The plot is unique when it's first seen, the protagonist's parent is a murder and they are trying to get answers but it is actually used a lot in different ways. Nonetheless, the way you handle this is quite impressive while still using some clichés.


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