Review by Ivy: The Days

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Title: The Days

Author: walkingecho

Reviewer: Ivy279

Title + Cover: 4.5/5

Your cover is absolutely beautiful! It's simple, but I love the font you've used, and I think it reflects the simple love story you're telling. I took half a point off only because I don't quite understand what the title, The Days, has to do with your story. It's not reflected in the first five chapters or the blurb.

Summary: 5/5

Your summary overs all the bases. It tells us who the story's about, what the primary source of conflict is, and ups the stakes to tell us why we should care. I think it's engaging and definitely draws in the type of audience you're targeting. Great job!

Initial Impressions: 9/10

I am generally not a huge fan of regular teen fiction, but yours was the exception. I really enjoyed your first chapter. It started off with a brief glimpse into your author's voice and the character's immediate environment before diving into a captivating fantasy. Your grammar, sentence structure, and word choice were impeccable, fully immersing readers into Amelia's surroundings. You had just the right level of imagery, allowing us to visualize the scene while not feeling superfluous. Then the last line of your chapter was a hook, line, and sinker for the perfect cliff-hangers that keep readers on the edge of their seat. The only thing I would comment is that the introduction of all of Amelia's friends were difficult to keep track of so quickly at once, but I'm sure they will become more distinct as the story goes on.

Grammar + Punctuation: 7.5/10

I am not a grammar expert by any means, but I've commented on sentences that I've personally noticed. Overall, the story was very easy to read and flowed smoothly. The mistakes weren't that distracting.

Usually when someone says "she's way out of his league" they mean she's way too good for him, or at least where I'm from. That made this sentence in particular very confusing. There are two girls mentioned in this sentence, and it's not specified which she we're referring to. So it could be read that she, his ex girlfriend, was way too good for him -- rather than she, Amelia, was not good enough for him.

  So it could be read that she, his ex girlfriend, was way too good for him -- rather than she, Amelia, was not good enough for him

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P in picking needs to be capitalized here, because it's the beginning of a new sentence, as an action beat.

P in picking needs to be capitalized here, because it's the beginning of a new sentence, as an action beat

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