Juvia pouted, "Natsu-San, don't tease Gray-sama like that. Juvia is sure that Gray-sama will wear this one day. No tomorrow, we both will wear this and take a stroll around Magnolia." Juvia said with determination in her eyes.

Gray decided to intervene before the situation went out of hand,  "Stop it Juvia, I'm not gonna wear this and moreover go out wearing that t-shirt.  I can't lose my pride which I value very much."

Natsu mocked Juvia, "Aw poor Juvia, she can't win her bet. Don't worry little girls always lose to elders."

Natsu purposely mocked her so that she gets fired and decides to make Gray wear it.

So that he can get a sight of the ice mage's embarrassing moment and tease him.

Now Juvia and the rest of the girls were fired up, "Juvia, take this as a challenge and prove Natsu that you will make your words come true." Erza said as she requiped herself into sea empress armour to beat him up.

But Lucy stopped her, "Wait Erza, instead of beating him. I have a plan if Juvia succeeds in making Gray wear that cloth. We will make him wear the same type of clothes. So do Gajeel and your Jellal" Lucy grinned.

Now the thoughts of wearing such shirts in public was embarrassing. Natsu, now knew how Gray would have felt about it.

"Hey!! Why am I included? I don't care if this Stripper or Flame-brain wears that thing or not. I'm moving out of here. I need to go home and meet my wife and kids." Gajeel stood up and made way but Natsu caught hold of his wrist.

"Metal face, where are you going? Don't leave us here. Moreover, you are also part of it." Natsu growled.

Gray sat silently listening to the rantings. 'I need to do something and make Juvia forget about this bet and t-shirt.' He thought.

As if on cue, Jellal came back from his mission and went towards his fiancee and hugged her.

Once Jellal was informed of this bet and stuff, he remained composed and thought of some idea to get them out of this situation.

"Okay listen, we will accept this bet. And I believe this bet is valid only if Gray decides to wear that t-shirt tomorrow morning. If he doesn't, then, we don't need to wear it as well.  Doesn't it?" He asked Erza and others for which they nodded in response.

"Yes!! Now Juvia, it's in your hands to make Gray wear that t-shirt tomorrow. Let's show them who is the boss here?" Lucy smirked and extended her hand where the other girls joined to bump their fist.

The guys looked at Gray and said in a menacing tone, "Gray, we support you. Don't you ever even once think of wearing that shirt tomorrow morning even if Juvia does anything to you. Be a prideful man. Let's show these girls who the real boss is?"

Natsu and Gajeel said with a challenging tone and Jellal looked no less than that. Now everything was Gray's shoulder, "Sure I don't intend to lose" He grinned finally pumping the situation into his brain.


Once Gray and Juvia reached their home,it had been six months since they moved in together much to blunette's delight.

Along the way back home, both didn't talk much and thought of a way to execute/ counteract the plan of another.

Gray thought his Juvia would just make him do stuff and if he didn't, he would lose the bet.

So he is ready to do whatever she asks him to do just to escape and survive this bet.

Little did he know that it would be quite the opposite of everything.

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