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Anjana's narration :
With Rajesh's advice, I began
Online coaching for GATE exam. Everyday I spent 2hours of time for the preparation.
When things started to fall in place one fine day I was called to nithin sir's cabin and was told to work for their project in place of one of their members who took maternal leave.
She already did half of the work and I have to complete the remaining. The deadline is very near and should cope up with the other team members.
It didn't take a week for me to realise that I'm lost and its difficult for me to keep up in pace with others. My new team leader gave a warning that I'm lagging behind and should submit work on time. I worked day and night for extra hours to compensate.
On the last day I thought that everything was done. But things don't come easy to me and all the work went down into flames. End point for user creation is not working and to add insult to injury my team leader himself witnessed my horrible work and said that this failure can cost me an arm and leg.

I skipped lunch, and tried to get help from pk but he wasn't sure of the work.
"Ouch " I cried in pain, when the safety pin attached to the chappal opened up and pierced my foot. I accidentally wore my mom's chappal for some urgent work and that's when I realized that my mom couldn't afford to buy a new pair of chappal instead managed to survive with the old, broken chappal joined by safety pin. All this happened 1 year ago, and this scene is still fresh in my mind.
I felt the pinch at that time, and decided that I must do something not only for me but also for my family. But today I feel that I can't do anything for them. 😖
I sat down and started to fix my faults and it's 7.30 pm. Time passed but not much progress happened. Running short of time and the building pressure made me miserable and tears dropped from my eyes. unable to take the stress no longer I slept on the desk sobbing. 😭 There's nobody around me, everybody left.
I heard somebody making a rough noise against the glass partition of my cubicle just beside me. I came back to this world and lifted my head to notice a man standing in front of me. I rubbed my eyes to see it was Achyuth sir.
" Why didn't you switch off the lights when you want to sleep ?" said Achyuth sarcastically.
" Sorry sir. I have to work. I'll switch them off once I finish it " I said with quavering voice.
" How long are you going to work ?" he asked.
" Don't know sir" I looked down hiding tears in my eyes.
" What are you working on ?" he asked leaning on the edge of my desk with arms folded across his chest.
" Last week I was called to work on new project in place of Mrs. Shefali. As usual messed it up " I said clearing my running nose.
He opened my laptop and saw my incomplete work. " Why did you choose to enter in the middle. Bite off only what you can chew !" he smirked.
How can I go against my superiors even if I want to , when I'm just a small employee under them.
I couldn't resist the tears coming out, they rushed out of my eyes and fell down.😢
I cried silently without speaking anything. There was an awkward silence and I decided to leave for the hostel as everything went out of my hands.

Am I dreaming or intoxicated ?
This alpha appearing male, placed his palm on my head.
"I hate girls crying " he said wipping off the rolling tears on my cheek gently with his thumb,resting his other fingers on side of my face.

I froze for a few seconds, in such a stupified manner and never thought would experience something like this in my entire life

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I froze for a few seconds, in such a stupified manner and never thought would experience something like this in my entire life.
Is there some perverted intension behind his act ? Why did he make a close encounter all of a sudden when nobody else is present ? another thought popped in my mind the very next moment.
I looked at him with confusion unable to comprehend his act. Breaking all my thoughts he took off his hand and looked at his wrist watch.
" Switch off these lights and come to my chamber. I'll help " he said and left without giving me time to react.
Did someone cast a spell on him? What is this new angle ? 😱I'm happy that someone is ready to help me and followed him after switching off the lights.
I washed my face and saw nightshift people working in other cubicles and confirmed that I was safe. I entered his chamber and he was talking on phone. He saw me and signalled me to sit beside his chair.
" Sorry to trouble you sir " I said.
" Let's get into the work " he said and opened his laptop and asked me to transfer the files  to his laptop.
I followed him. Within few minutes he started typing and making changes to my codes.
" Why don't you organise things ? Use version control system wisely" he said and clearly explained short comings and pitfalls in my program for nearly 20 minutes.
"Now try to make changes in the remaining work. I'll see how much you have grasped " he said. I took my laptop and Achyuth sir's phone rang.
" Don't go anywhere " he said and left with his mobile.
I sat there and continued my work. All the complicated and hard things became simpler and my program started running. With this confidence I tried to clear my nonsense work and fixed the faults.
My eyes became heavy to realise that it's 10.30 pm and I worked at a stretch of 2 hours. 😩
Achyuth sir came back with a coffee mug in his hand and saw me still struggling. " Aren't you done with the work ?" he asked looking at me.
" Not yet sir " I stammered.
He came near me and saw my work.
" You are doing it right, but how long are you going to work like this? Don't wanna go home ?" he frowned. 😑
" No sir. I need to submit it tomorrow. I'll leave only after finishing it. Metro closes by this time, so I'll stay here " I replied.
" Had dinner ?" he asked sipping his coffee.
" No sir " I said.
" First go eat something and comeback. Give me your laptop you can't do this work all alone " he said.
" Ok sir. If you don't mind me asking, why are you here at this late hour ?" I asked him.
" As a part of on site work, I have clients to discuss from U.S " he said.
I handed my laptop to him and went out to feed my hungry intestines which were making all wierd noises.
I came back and joined him. I was reading out and he was typing things at jet speed. Within 3 hrs he completed the entire work and handed over the laptop back to me.
" Taking time to help for an ordinary employee like me, thanks would not be enough for your kindness sir. Cant imagine my tommorow if you were not there today. Thank you so much sir " I conveyed my heart felt thanks to him.
All this while he listened to my words and in the end gave a little nod with smile. 😃

In my little world ( Completed ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin