17. Talk

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Lloyd's POV

Wow, am I glad that I hid somewhere. When I purified the akuma I immediately detransformed and grew. The clothes I wore ripped all and practically I'm sitting there naked. I was luckily able to take the bracelet of my neck or it would have strangled me. I put it on my hand again and look at it Tigg.

"Ok, I gotta transform it's super cold."

She breathes heavily and looks at me exhausted. My eyes wide. "Y-You need...?" She nods and I look around, nothing to eat here and since I don't have anything with me I'm pretty busted. I look at my miraculous and start to call the others.

"Greenie were are you we could really need your help!!" Says Spark.

"Yeah ehm...I got a problem, you guys."

"What problem?" Asks Samurai X.

Kinda embarrassing but I need help. "Look I purified the akuma. And I turned into my normal self and I detransformed. But my Kwami needs to recharge and I don't have anything to feed her."

"Why don't you just go get her something?" Says Flame and I sigh.

"Look when I turned younger I started to wear my old clothes from my childhood. And you know since I started to grow again in my civilian form...I grew with the clothes of a child...and you know they are pretty small and...you know...argh don't make me finish this sentence!! It's already embarrassing!!"

First, it's completely silent but then I hear them all laughing. I roll my eyes.

"Not funny you guys!!! It's super cold to sit here almost naked!! And if someone finds me like this I will never forgive any of you!!!"

"O-Okay okay calm down." Says Aqua laughing. "Send us your location one of us is going to bring you something."

I sigh and my whole body shivers. "Please hurry it's cooold!" I put off the call, send them my location and look at Tigg on my hand.

"How do we always land in those situations." I smile and she laughs weakly.

"I don't know. I guess it's our luck."

We both laugh and I just hold her close to me while sitting naked behind the trash canisters and waiting. When I hear footsteps walking into the alley my eyes wide.

//Oh no please don't!!!//

"Greenie are you there?" I hear Flame ask. I smile relieved.

"Yeah, behind the trash canisters. Just place it beside them and turn around."

He does as I say, steps a bit back and turns away.

"Ok, you can take it."

I look around the trash canisters carefully to him and take the food. I give it to Tigg and she starts to eat.

"Thank you Flame!"

"Your welcome Greenie, I hope it wasn't too cold."

Tigg has finished eating. "I'm fine don't worry. Ok Tigg, ninja go!!"

She starts to transform me and when I finished transforming I fast grab the ripped cloth pieces and dump them into the trash canister. I walk over to him. "Let's go taking care of the enemy." I wink him and then jump away.  He follows me and both land in the battlefield, my team looks at me smiling while Garmadon starts to groan.

"Hey Greenie, finally wearing something?" Asks Spark sarcastically

I look at him annoyed. "Haha funny."

I look back to Garmadon. "Don't you see? You can't defeat us and you never will. Why don't you finally give up." I reach out one hand to him. "It's still not to late. You can still change. You just have to try it."

He looks at my hand and then at me. "You know nothing. I don't have another choice. My path is dark. And I will defeat you, sooner or later. Your miraculous will soon be mine." He snaps his fingers and they all retreat. We try to stop them but the skeleton is holding us back. And when we defeated them they are already gone. I'm standing there and just look into the direction they went, my team stands behind me and they just look at each other worried.

"Ehm...greenie?" Asks Rocky and I turn around and look at him.

"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Are you alright?" Asks now Aqua and I look at her confused.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you acted so emotional." Says Samurai X and Blanc nods in agreement. "It seemed like it really hit you."

I sigh and turn around. "I just don't want to fight him ok? I'm scared of what might happen. And I don't talk about what could happen to me more to him. He has a family, a son. I think you know that. I'm scared of how the battle could end. I don't want to take him his father away, he only met now. I mean I got the task to watch Lloyd." I sit down and just watch into the sky. "But at the same time the task to take him his father away. And I'm complaining, I don't wanna know how he feels." I close my eyes and sigh. "Oh wow you're right, I'm kinda pretty emotional today."

They all just look at each other and then sit down beside me while I still look into the sky.

"What do you mean by 'the task to watch over Lloyd?'" Asks Blanc.

//Oh right. I never told them as Lloyd since it could risk my identity but as the green Ninja I could.//

"You see, Lloyd's uncle was the guardian of the miraculous-"

"WHAAAAT???" Scream all of them. I sigh and close my eyes.

"Please let me finish. Anyways the guardian takes care of the miraculous and watches over them. He was the one who gave me my miraculous. He showed me everything I should know and warned me that in case his brother finds out that he is the guardian he would give up on being the guardian and announce me the new one. He said he could trust me the miraculous and box and to take care of his nephew. When he did he lost his memories, I didn't knew it so hurt even more to bring Lloyd his uncle without any memories and then also lying to him about how he lost them. I had to, to protect him he has to know as little as possible. I simply told him that his uncle hit his head and lost them."

They all just remain quiet and look at the ground. "So...Lloyd doesn't know of his uncle? And everything?"

I nod. "Yes. He doesn't. That makes it even harder." I stand up and look at them. "I don't know if it was a good idea to tell you. But you guys are my team and I want to show you that I trust you, even though I can't show you my identity. I mean as you know now I'm the guardian and if someone would know my real identity all the other miraculous would be in danger. But I'm also tired of everything. And there was only one person who understood my position and this person lost their memories."

They all look at each other sad and I sigh. "Sorry, maybe it was a bit too much. It was a hard day and I'm kinda really tired. Let me fix everything and then I have to go. Creation."

I repair everything and then wink them.

"See you later!" I jump away and leave them. They just watch me leave and then look et each other.

"He was really upset. He didn't even get our miraculous." Says Aqua and looks at her ring.

The others nod and then decide to just go home for now.

Energy Guardian: Season 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora