43. Power

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Cole's POV

We hear Zane yell something and we walk back inside. Both Pixal and Zane point at the wall and we all just look at it confused. There are some pictures in frames. All of us and him and his uncle.

"And? Those are just some pictures nothing spe-" I stopped when I notice one special picture. I take the pendant from Kai and look at the picture. I compare it with the picture at the wall and then walk over to it.

"This one is the same as in the pendant."

The others notice it too and compare it with the picture in the pendant.

"You're right. That's probably what he means with I trusted my friends well known. This picture. Ok, what does the poem says next" I say and look to Pixal.

"You already know what to do, for all of you it's nothing new."

"Ok no clue what it means. I don't know what to do either, you?"

They all shake their heads and Pixal continues. "To get what you're searching for, you have to open a secret door. Show yourself your thumb."

We think for a second and the next moment we all look at our thumbs.

"And now what?"

"At the same time say it out loud, your name and make me proud."

We all say our names but nothing happens.

"Huh...but what else should we do?"

"Wait, guys. Why should he lead us to that picture if it has nothing to do with it?" He walks over to me and both stand in front of it looking at it.

"Show yourself your thumb, what if we aren't meant with yourself "

"But who else should we show it too." Asks Jay confused while I just look at my thumb and at the picture. I raise my hand and press my thumb on myself in the picture.

"I'm showing myself my thumb. And now my name?"

The others nod and just look at the picture waiting.

"Cole Brookstone." We wait for a moment when we hear something moving. We turn around surprised and see that the television is moving aside and the next moment a secret door opens. I look surprised at the picture and then at my thumb.

"It must have a fingerprint sensor and a voice recognition in it. But how did Lloyd do this alone?" Says Pixal confused while I just walk over to the secret door and look through it, I see a long, dark hallway and look at them.

"I don't know either but let's see what's behind here."

They nod and I start to walk through it. After a short walk, we reach a room. We look around curious and see some shelves with scrolls and some other things on them. At one wall we see a whiteboard with a lot of information hanging at it.

"Looks like Lloyd tried to find his father's hideout." Says Nya and looks at one of the notes.

I noticed a table with a statue in a glass cage. I walk over to it and touch the class, it opens and we all look at it surprised. I look at it and then notice a familiar motive. I examine it and open it. When I see a headband inside I immediately take it out and see Terre appearing in front of me.

"Terre!!! Good to see you, buddy!!!"

Terre yawns and wants to say something when he notices all of us standing around him.

"W-What?? How did you inside here??? Where's the master??"

I want to answer him when Kai interrupts me.

"W-Wait Cole you're the earth ninja? You got one too??"

I look at him surprised and see him opening a scale of this dragon statue and taking something out.

"No way you also got a miraculous?"

I see a badge in his hand and another Kwami appears in front of him.

"Urgg...I slept so well, what Akuma is it thi-"

The kwami stops when he sees all of us and he looks shocked at Terre.

"Terre what's going on here, where's the master?"

All of our friends look surprised at us.

"Of course it's so obvious." Says Jay while walking over to the statue and taking out 4 more miraculous. "Lloyd is the green Ninja and the green Ninja gave the miraculous to people he trusts. And of course, it's us. With 'you already know what to do for all of you it's nothing new' he means our miraculous." Jay gives the three miraculous to Zane, Pixal and Nya and their Kwami's appear also. All the Kwamis just look at each other and us shocked.

"Where's the master?? Is he alright??" Asks Eauu upset.

We all turn quiet and Samoo looks at us. "Since you're here our master's identity must have been discovered."

Pixal nods and Samoo lands on her hand. "Garmadon got his miraculous and we got a message from Lloyd that we have to get you."

Terre looks at me. "Get out of here, now! If the master's identity is discovered the secret room has to be closed again! If Garmadon get's the rest of the miraculous you have no chance against him!!"

"Shouldn't we take the other miraculous with us? It would be safer." Says Kai and Feuu fly over to his face. "No!! It's dangerous to wear more than two miraculous!! And if one of you gets caught Garmadon would have more power!! No get out of here now and close it again."

Kai seems to be surprised but he just nods and closes the scales of the stature again.

"Ok let's get out of here, we need to find Lloyd and Garmadon." Kai starts to run out and we all follow him. We close the secret door again and then look at each other putting our miraculous on. We all say our transformation phrases and transform. We look at each other for a moment.

"How blind are we that nobody of us found out the other's identity. Or Lloyd's identity why are we so stupid?"

Says Jay and I see Pixal and Nya looking at each other and chuckling.

"What's so funny you two?"

Asks Kai and they're just shaking their heads and smiling innocently. I sigh and then look at them with a serious expression.

"Let's do this guys." I put my hand in the middle of us. "For Lloyd."

One after another puts their hand in the middle and says 'For Lloyd.'

"Let's go!!"

"YEAH!!!" I open the window and we all jump out of it.

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