44. Danger

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Lloyd's POV

Am I dead? Everything is dark. I feel strong pain in my leg and moan quietly. Nope, not dead, but what happened? I remember fighting my friends and losing. But what happened after that?

I open my eyes slowly and try to sit up. I feel a lot of pain in my whole body, I hold my head because I started to feel dizzy. I touch my eye covered with a bandaid and flinch when it hurts. I look around and look at the blanket over me. I pull it away and see my foot stabilized by a bandaid. I try to stand up but immediately fall down when I stepped on it.


I stand up supporting myself at the bed. I walk over to, limping and leaning against the wall. I open the door and look outside, I see a familiar corridor.

"Of course, that's the place I in the past! Then I must be also at my fa-"

"Father's secret hideout? Yes, you are."

I turn around shocked and when I see her I want to step back but just flinch quietly and slide the wall down. I look up to her, flinching and holding my foot. "What do you want Harumi?"

"Do you normally greet your girlfriend like that? Anyways I came to take care of your injuries, who said you're allowed to stand up? Your foot is broken." She stands in front of me, with her arms crossed leaning at the wall.

"You aren't my girlfriend." I say while slowly standing up. She walks over to me and wants to help me but I just step away and look at her.

"Oh please Lloyd, could you please get your shit together and let me help you? Otherwise Master will make me responsible if something happens to you."

I look at her and take a deep breath. "Where is he."

"Oh trust me, honey, you don't even want to see him right now. You're lucky you're his son, he would have let everybody else die. I wanted to at least tie you up but he has a weak spot for you."

//Right. When I feel down that building...father jumped after me..//

I shake my head and stand up starting to walk down the hallway leaning at the wall. She just stands there and watches me rolling her eyes.

"And what are you trying to do now?"

I breathe heavily and just continue to walk, or more stumble away slowly. "I'm going to talk to him. I can't let him use the miraculous."

She just rolls her eyes and walks after me, she grabs my hair and I immediately stop, I turn around to her and slap her hand away.

"I can't believe that you were the green Ninja and always defeated every one of our villains."

I look at her annoyed and want to turn around again when she just picks me up and throws me over her shoulder.

"Wha- hey let me down!!!"

She ignores me and starts to walk off. I try to somehow get off her but my leg just hurts so much that I decide to just stay calm. She carries me away and enters a room, she sits me down on a couch and then bows down.

"Your son woke up Master."

She leaves the room again and I look into the direction she bowed down to. I see my father standing at a window and just looking out of it. He turns around a bit and looks at me with red glowing eyes. It kinda feels like a dark aura is surrounding him. I look at him a bit scared and nervous when he completely turns around and just stares at me.

"First my brother betrayed me. And now my own son."

He starts to walk through the room over to a commode. When he walks past the couch I'm sitting on I notice that he wears the energy miraculous.

//Oh no...//

"And this little thing didn't want to cooperate either." He grabs something off the commode and throws it on the ground in front of me. I look at it confused and when I recognize it I immediately fall from the couch and crawl over to it.

"TIGG!!!!" I gently pick her up and stroke over her cheek. I look at her with tears in my eyes. I look up to him angry. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!"

He stares at me with this monotone expression and walks over to me.

"I showed her what it means to be a Kwami. Obeying their holder. She didn't want to tell me the transformation phrase and how to get my wish, so I had to punish her."

I just hug her gently and look at him with tears in my eyes. He kneels down in front of me and has two of his arms crossed, with his third hand he grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"I'm going to forgive you for fighting against me. Obviously my brother gave you the miraculous and forced you to fight against me. Don't worry I'm going to take care of him soon. But now that you're here...tell me the transformation phrase."

I look at him with big eyes and slap his hand from my chin away. "Never!! Father, it's not too late, you can st-"

I see his eyes lighting up again. "YOU'RE MY SON STOP FIGHTING AGAINST ME!!!!"

I look st him surprised and then notice Tigg moving in my hand. "L-Lloyd...the power of the...miraculous is e-empowering the akuma...in him...i-it's making it stronger...c-causing your father to lose more and more control...of himself...y-you're the last one...who could save hi-"

He snaps her out of my hand and throws her at a wall. "Shut the fuck up Kwami!"

I look at her shocked and then at him angry. "Father, snap out of this, you're only causing trouble!!! Don't you see that you went too far?!? Please, please!!! Just look at me, if there's still a bit of my father in you, you wouldn't want me to get hurt."

I see his eyes turning for a split of a second brown again until he grabs me by my neck. "Tell me the phrase." He says with a demonic voice. I look at him shocked and then just shake my head. He throws me on the couch and looks at me furiously.

"What kind of useless son are you?? Who would care about you either way??" He looks at me for a while until a smirk appears on his face. "You won't speak, but I have my ways to make you speak." He starts to chuckles until he gets louder and louder. I look at him scared and want to crouch away when I feel someone grabbing me by my shoulders and whispering into my ear.
"You will love it."

Energy Guardian: Season 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora