38. Return

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Lloyd's POV

I sit up, screaming. I hold my head and breath heavily. My whole body trembles, I'm covered in sweat and it seems like everything is turning. After I calmed down a bit I look around and see my room. It's really my room in the monastery. It feels like I wasn't here for years. The door gets slammed open and my uncle is standing in it, he looks at me worried.

"Lloyd!!! What happened are you alright?!"

I just stare at him for a while until I just jump up and hug him. "Yes...now it is..."

I noticed his confused expression but he just hugs me back. We stay like this for a while. He first wanted to stay with me and make sure I'm alright but I just kept telling that it was a stupid nightmare and that he doesn't have to worry. He then left wishing me a good night.

"You too, uncle." He closes the door and I just fall back in my bed holding my head. "Was it really all just...a dream? Time twins...the past...my grand-grandparents...?"

Tigg flies in front of me and shakes her head. "No Lloyd, it wasn't. Because I remember the same thing."

I look at her and hold out one hand, she sits down on it and I look at her. "It was...horrible. When my identity blew up..."

Just when she wants to say something I see light appearing in the middle of my room. It gets bigger and bigger and two people are walking out of it.

"Oh, and it was also horrible for us. We had to fix everything you messed up and also had to deal with this-"

"Blessing of a person!!"

Interrupts Kurx his brother and I hear someone clearing their throat. Both of them step aside and I see...Bunnyx?? I stand up and look at her surprised.


"Don't ask. We fixed everything in the past, it's like you never went there. You, those twin idiots and myself are the only ones who know about all of this, so don't worry about your identity. And I don't want to see any of you messing with time ever again." She says looking at the hands of time with a warning expression.

"Bunnyx...I'm sorry for causing so much trouble." I look at her with an honest expression. She looks back to me and sighs while waving it off.

"Not a big deal. I hoped you learned something of this and that you'll be an even better guardian. And I also hope..." She pushes the time twins into the portal and then turns around one last time to me, smiling and winking. "That you can save your father. I know that you can do it. You may did some mistakes, but it's up to you to learn of them. And don't forget what I told you. Find out who you are, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon." She walks through the portal and it closes behind her. I just stand in my room and I smile slightly.

"It may doesn't end so good but I found out more about my family. More about my father." I look at Tigg with a determined smile. "And I know how to save him." She smiles and just hugs me. I just hug her back and look out of the window a bit concerned.

//Please work...//

The next day I'm on the way to school. It feels really strange to be back here. I mean I did saw all of this in this freaky future but it still feels good to be in my own time and that this freaky timeline is gone now. I enter the classroom and when I see my friends standing there a big smile appears on my lips and I run over to them hugging them tightly.

"Guys!!! I missed you!!!"

They all look at me confused but hug me back. "What's wrong Lloyd, we just saw each other yesterday?" Says Kai laughing while ruffling through my hair. I just look up to him smiling. "I know. Still missed you."

They all just start to laugh what brings me to smile even more. We talked for a while and then sat down on our seats when Mister Ronin walked in. Man, I missed him too. I missed all of this. It couldn't be better.

The next days I used my time to find out where my father's hideout it. Due to my travel into the past, I remembered something. The place my father kept me and my uncle captive some months ago is also the place I visit when I stopped Harumi from changing the past, the place my father fused the miraculous. It must be some kind of temple from the guardian, but I didn't found out yet.

My plan is to walk there and confront my father. As Lloyd. When this whole Chat Blanc thing happened I realized that the akumatized person is able to control themself for a short time when they're confronted with something really emotional. Every time I talked with my father his eyes were brown like his normal eyes were. But when something else happened, something making him angry his eyes turned red. In those moments the Akuma takes control over him. So my plan is to talk to him, bringing up emotions, showing what I feel. And then in a good moment, I have to transform fast and then...I don't know yet. I don't know what I would do. I have to deevilze the Akuma, but it's in his heart. What will happen if I do it? What will happen to him?


I thought I would still have enough time to think about a way.

But like always something is disturbing and I wish I would have known that it would come this way.

Bunnyx said I can't change my destiny. As the green Ninja my destiny is to defeat evil and protect the world.

But what is my destiny as Lloyd?

Which path do I have to follow?

Who am I?

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