50. Final.

84 1 6

Lloyd's PoV

Birds chirping. I hear birds chirping peacefully. I start to open my eyes a bit but I'm blinded by a strong light. I moan quietly and cover my eyes while sitting up slowly. I start to look around and recognize the plaza around the Ninjago Tower. But...where's the tower?! I stand up shooked and look out for it but it's gone! There is some rubbish on the ground but the tower is gone.

"I-I don't get it...what happened.."

"LLOYD!!!!!" I hear voices yell. I look around confused just to see 6 figures jumping me. We all fall on the ground and I just hear those voices all saying something. I chuckle quietly and look at them. "Hey Guys, happy to see all of you too." They start to laugh too and help me to stand up. I take a closer look at them, they are still transformed but they aren't hurt luckily.

"Lloyd, you were amazing!!! You saved the city!!!" Says Jay exiting. I just look at him confused.

"I did?"

Kai comes over to me, puts a hand around my shoulder and ruffles through my hair. "Oh yes Lloyd, you were amazing! You punched the dragon with one energy ball and suddenly the whole sky turned blue again! It's like you just punched the darkness away! That was amazing! Then there was a giant shockwave and the next moment the tower was gone."

I look at him surprised and then into the sky. //So...was the whole thing with my dad in my head...// My eyes wide and I look at my friends shooked. "F-Father, where's my dad!? Did I save him?!"

They all look away now, quietly. I look at them with a shocked expression when I hear footsteps coming towards us. I turn around and see Wu and Mystake supporting someone. Just when I see him my eyes, not believing what I am seeing right now.

"D-Dad...?" He lifts his head and looks at me with those brown eyes. I just look at him shocked and when he starts to smile slightly and spread his arms I immediately run over to him and jump into his arms. He just hugs me quietly while I just stay in his warm hug. I hear him chuckles quietly and he strokes over my head. "My little boy...it is...over now..."

My friends, Mystake and Wu gather around us and we all just look at each other, smiling and relieved that the nightmare is over. The citizen of the city also starts to gather around us and cheer for the victorious win of the hero team. I look at my friends and just smile happily when I notice that they are still transformed. I look down at my arm and notice that my miraculous is gone. I look around confused and walk back to the place I was lying when I woke up. After a short time, I find something on the ground. I just stare at it, completely shocked.

"Lloyd, what's wrong you're missing everything the people want to apol-" When Cole sees what I'm seeing he immediately turns quiet and brings the others. While I just fall on my knees and stare at it. The others return to me and when they see it they just all gasp shocked. I have goosebumps all over my body, my body shivers, my heart feels like it stopped working, my lungs stopped breathing and it feels like...time froze. Everybody around me just remains silent and looks at me worried while I reach out one hand to the ground.

There lies the energy miraculous, but it's broken. The dragon on it is split apart and it lost all its color. It's completely grey. I try to pick it up gently but as soon as I touch it, it just turns into dust. The wind starts to blow the dust away and I remain sitting there. Just staring on the ground where it was just laying now. I take a deep breath and lift my head into the sky, with my eyes closed. For a moment it's completely silent until a tear rolls down my cheek and I scream:


<<Some weeks later>>

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