23. Surprise

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Lloyd's POV

I step out of the elevator into the rain and lookup. One of the stone warriors gives me an umbrella and then the door to the elevator closes again. I look at the umbrella, open it, and hold it up looking to the throne. I start to go towards it, slowly while I hear Kai's voice in my ear.

"Lloyd, try to give us some time, we'll scan the building to find out where it could be. When Garmadon is distracted we have the best chance."

I walk over to the throne and stand beside it. I look at it and see my father sitting on it, the rain is falling down on him and he just stares over the city. My handshake while I hold the umbrella, I move it over his head and hold it there. When he notices that there's no more rain falling down on him he looks up and sees the umbrella. He looks to the side annoyed but when he sees me his eyes wide, he stands up and hugs me. I just look surprised and drop the umbrella when he hugs me.

"Junior!!! Don't scare me like that ever again!!!"

He still hugs me and I just look into the air and don't really know what to do. I slowly start to hug him back, he hugs me with 3 arms, and with his fourth, he just strokes through my hair. After some time he lets me go and just looks at me smiling.

"What was wrong with you this morning Junior?"

He picks the umbrella up again and holds it over my head. I stroke over my wet hair and look at him.

"Yeah I don't know fa-dad, I just felt strange and when I hit my head it started to hurt too, and...yeah I dunno it was strange."

"I see, but first let's go back inside or you'll catch a cold."

He still holds the umbrella over my head and we walk together to the elevator. It opens and we both step inside, I try to warm myself a bit while he pushes a button and the elevator closes.

"Lloyd try to gently lead the topic to the miraculous."

"Dad I-"

The next moment I feel that he puts something down on me. I look surprised and see that he put his coat around me. I look at him and then just sling the coat around me. The elevator stops and we both walk out. We wall through the floor to my room.

"Dad, I wanted to ask you...if I could watch you...at your work today?"

//Please, please, please don't notice.//

He stops and then looks at me surprised. "You finally want to step into my footsteps?!?"

"I uhm....of course..!" I smile nervous, he just looks at me with a wide smile and then hugs me.

"Junior you make me so proud today!!! Ok go and take a warm shower first then meet me at the control room I will show you everything!!!"

He opens the door to my room and when I walk in, he closes the door and leaves again. I sigh relieved.

"Good work Lloyd, gain his trust. He'll show you the miraculous for sure."

I look around and open my closet, I take some random clothes out of it and look around. I notice another door in my room and then see a door. I walk in and see a bathroom. I take my clothes with the whole technic off and start to take a shower. When I'm ready I put the dry and fresh clothes on along with the whole technic. I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself.

"You know it's strange. I see myself but I look into the eyes of a complete stranger. And this body...it's covered in scars..."

"Lloyd, focus. Go to your father and get the miraculous."

I sigh and then walk out of the bathroom. I leave my room and walk through the floors. I look around and see many doors and floors.

//Now the question is...where is this control room?//

I luckily see one of those Stone warriors, I walk over to it and hit it, not so hard but still feeling bad.

"Hey, stone head bring me to the control room."

It starts to walk and I follow it, I hear Cole's Voice talking in my ear.

"If you don't want your disguise to blow up you have to think of something else then stone head."

I keep following the stone warrior and whisper into my microphone.

"Sorry but I can't I'm not using insults"

I hear all of them sigh and the stone warrior stops in front of a door.

"The control room prince."

"Uhm yeah thank you now screw off!"

He walks away and I look at the door. I take a deep breath before a lay a hand on the handle and open the door. I walk in and look around surprised. The room is some kind of, trophy, meeting, control room. I see a couch in the middle of the room and at the walls, I see monitors, armors of stone warriors with swords and showcases with some things laying in them. In the middle of the room is a Table and it's covered with a big glass plate, I see that under glass plate lay all the miraculous except the energy miraculous, that's not there. But I already found the time miraculous, does are two watches. Good, now we know where they are. I see my father sitting on the couch and when I enter he looks to me.

"Ah, there you are Junior. Or should I say...Lloyd?"

My eyes wide. I see someone next to him, it's Harumi and she looks at me with a big smirk on her lips. Wait, does she know?

"What the fuck are you even talking about? Who is this Lloyd guy supposed to be?"

"Lloyd be careful if they notice you have to flee."

I notice Garmadon's expression when he looks to Harumi, then he looks back at me and smirks.

"Are you sure? Because I know that you mentioned this name this morning. "

"You must be imagining things, old man. Maybe you got a little fever."

Harumi and Garmadon start to talk while I grab carefully a knife of an armor and walk over to the table. While Garmadon stands up and looks at me seriously.

"You come with me son. We'll see if you are the real one."

I hide the knife behind me and look at me. "You don't trust your own son?"

"I do. But not someone who doesn't act like him."

"I see. Is this something your son wouldn't do?"

I see their shocked faces when I say that. I raise the knife and dash it into the glass plate, it shatters into pieces and I grab the two watches and start to run out, I hear him yelling something and the next moment the stone warrior are following me.

"Lloyd, keep running we're on the way! We'll give you some time, run away, and then use the miraculous!"

I look at the two watches. "B-But guys..!"

"We'll be fine we have our powers and we aren't the resistance for no reason. Now go and if you dare to fail I'll come and get you!!!"

I keep running and after some time the stone warrior are gone, they are probably fighting my friends right now. I'm able to leave the tower and hide behind some turned over cars. I breathe heavily and look at the tower.

//I hope they are alright.//

I look at the miraculous and already want to put it on when some kind of rift opens in front of me. I look at it shocked and step back, I cover my eyes since it's so bright and then see two shadows coming out of it.

"You did it Lloyd."

"I mean, we knew you could do it."

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