9. Reveal

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Lloyd's POV

"I want every recording you have!!" Says a voice inside the room. When we enter the room the person looks at us. I look at the person suprised. It's Harumi.

//What is she doing here?//

She looks at me sceptical. "And what kind of clown are you?"

I stand infront of her, bow down and give her a handkiss.

"My lady, the name is Pisces. Honor to meet you."

She looks at me and pulls her hand away. "Yeah what ever. I don't have time for this."

"What is a beautiful lady like you doing that she's so stressed?"

She walks over to some monitors and looks at them.

"For your information, I have a boyfriend. And I'm here to prove his innocence. I have to make sure that the truth is coming out."

I look at her for a while. I heard that phrase before. But it was from my father to the silent one. Maybe it's just a coincidence that she used that phrase. The exact same phrase. I walk over to her and stand beside her.

"I'm here for the same reason."

While I look at the monitors she looks at me. "Why would you even bother?"

I don't look at her. "Because I know who did it. And his name is not Lloyd. But I can't prove it. I want justice."

She wants to say something when the earth shakes. Alerts turn on and red lights are flashing.

"What's happening?!"

Some of the securtiy guards start to look at monitors and then look at me.

"Someone got akumatized in the stadion!!"

I want to run out when I hear a biep sound. I only have one minute left.

"Don't worry I'll take care of this!! But I need some food, anything will do it!!"

I run outside into the room across the security room. I close the door and lock it when I detransform. I catch Oor and look at her.

"I still haven't found Tigg and now an Akuma appeared. We have to do it like this!"

"But Master!! The two miraculous, it's too power draining!!"

"I know Oor but we can't let this akuma raging outside AND search Tigg!!"

I hear a knocking at the door. Sounds like one of the secrurity guards. "Pisces, I place it beside the floor on the ground, is that alright?"


He places it on the ground and the  I hear footsteps leaving. I open the door a gap and reach with my hand outside, grabbing something and then close the door again. I give Oor the apple and she starts to eat.

"There's also something I need to find out...and I hope that it's not true."

She ate the apple and looks at me. "I'm ready."

"Oor, transform me!!"

When she transforms me I walk outside. All the security guards are standing infront of the room I was in. I look around and then notice that Harumi isn't there.

"Where is the girl?"

"The mayor's daughter? She got a call and then ran somewhere after you left."

"I see. Evacuate the stadion! I'll go take care of the villain." They nod and all split up while I make my way to the field.

//Where did you go Harumi...//

I arrive outside on the field. I see some kind of machine flying through the air, on the field I see three person standing.  The new villain, he wears a red straw hat, he has some kind of visir over his right eye and a red bandana over his mouth. He wears a blue shirt over it an armor held by two strings, it's green and has an orange part which covers his left arm. In his hand he holds a shurikan and a dark black blade. I look at him for a while, I recognise Mr Ronin. Oh no he got akumatized. Infront of him are standing Garmadon and the silent one. I slowly walk toward them only looking at the silent one.

//The height would fit...body stature looks similar too...please...don't be her...//

Garmadon notices me and looks at me. "And what are you supposed to be? Goldie? Where did you left the green Ninja I still have to 'talk' with him."

"You won't get away with this Garmadon."

Garmadon and the silent one both look at me, behind them this machine from the air lands on the ground and the new villain climbs onto it. Garmadon talks to him.

"Justice Seeker. Find the little rat called Morro and kill him. It's his fault, he caused you to lose your job."

My eyes wide. Mr Ronin lost his job? The machine flies away with Mr Ronin. I look at Garmadon and the silent one. I take my silk hat of my head and bow down.

"Sorry for not staying any longer but I have an akuma to defeat. Au revoir. Size up!!"

I put my head back on and start to grow bigger. Both look up to me suprised while I grow bigger and then just jump out of the stadion following Justice Seeker.

Kai's POV

We're outside trying to find Lloyd and helping the Kwami called Tigg. But we still haven't found anyone. We noticed the akuma and got even more scared since the green Ninja can't transform without his Kwami. Tigg hides in my jacket pocket while we all run around the city.

"Tigg, nobody is fighting the akuma, what are we supposed to-"

Just when I wanted to finish my sentence there flies a machine above us. We look up suprised when we see in the distance a ....giant??

"What the???"

It's a giant with a golden tuxedo. Another miraculous user?? Then he must know where the green Ninja is. We all try to get his attention but he just passes without paying us attention. 

"Oh no...wait there's...Garmadon?!?!"

We see on the rooftops Garmadon and the peacock miraculous user following the giant and this flying machine. We hide in an alley and look out.

"Silent one, since you already found the proof go detransform and tell him. Show the people his innocence. I make sure justice seeker won't be disturbed by a giant fish."

The silent one bows down and when Garmadon leaves she looks around and runs into the nearest alley. Which is the one we hide in. We run deeper into the alley and hide behind some trash cansiter. We look at her out of our hiding spot and watch her look around. The last light on her brooch turns off and she starts to detransform back. When we see her civilian form we all look at each other gasping and then cover each other's mouths. She runs out of the alley and we just look at each other, shocked. We free our mouths but we're just quiet, looking at the ground and not saying a single word.

But we're probably thinking all the same.

Why would she do this to him?

And was she lying about everything?

Energy Guardian: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now