20. Resistance

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Lloyd's POV

"Mrrrgg...." I groan while slowly opening my eyes. Everything is kinda fizzy and it turns a bit. I lift my head a bit.

//What happened...?//

I look at my arms and then notice they are tied up to a chair. I try to move them but the chains are pretty tight. I try to say something but then also notice the tissue which is stuffed in my mouth. I try to look around. The whole room is dark except for the place I sit at, it's lightened up by a lightbulb above me.

"Finally awake you monster?"

"Mh...?" I look around confused, I clench my eyes a bit when I saw some shadows in front of me. I just shake my head and someone steps to me from behind me and loses the tissue around my mouth.

I open my mouth and look at them.

"Where am I...? Who are you guys?"

I hear some whispering and then I feel like a lot of people are staring at me.

"Why so friendly? Are you scared 'Prince'?"

"Friendly? I just talked normal...what's going on...?"

"Don't act like you don't know what this is all about."

I listen for a while to the voice. Of course, now I recognize that voice. But why him..?

"Kai...? Is that you?"

"What?!? Impossible!!!" I hear many voices say. Someone walks out of the shadow in front of me. He wears some kind of hood over his head and I can't really see his face, but that's not important because the next moment he puts his hood of and looks at me with hateful eyes.

"How do you know my name."

His face is covered in scars, he has a big scar leading over his whole left eye. I just look at him shooked. "K-Kai...what happened to you..."

"Shut up and answer my question! How do you know my name."

"I-I recognized your voice."

"Don't lie to me!! We never met before!!"

He slaps me across the face and my head flies to the side. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I start to talk to myself again and just mumble.

"Why...why is he...what happened? What happened to him?" I turn my head to him and just look at him. "What did this screwed up world did to him...what did I do to him?"

"Hey, asshole what the fuck are you talking about?!?" He grabs me by my collar and stares into my eyes. Some more people are coming out of the dark and try to calm Kai down. I recognize their voices too.

"Zane, Cole, Jay...? Why...?'

Another time I hear them all gasp. Cole looks now just as angry at me as Kai, Jay doesn't understand it and Zane puts off his hood and looks at me. My eyes wide when I see his face.

"Z-Zane...! Your eye...?!" 

His right eye...there's some kind of a robotic thing instead of it.

"W-What happened to you...?"

He just stares at me and then pushes the others a bit away.

"You aren't who you are supposed to be."

The others look at him confused, two more people come out of the shadow and stand beside Zane looking at me.

"Zane what are you talking? It's the son of this monster you know that." Says a girl, I recognize that it's Nya's voice.

"Zane's right. I can't scan him but you guys should've noticed that he acts differently. We're now spying on him for years and know everything about him but today he started to act differently. And that at the graveyard? Why would he cry for a person he hated?"

"Who knows, he's a sadistic asshole he could just play all of this!!"

While the others start to discuss Zane sits down in front of me and just stares into my eyes. He takes my index finger and holds it in his fist.

"Who are you?"

Now everybody turns quiet and they all just look at us. I look into his eyes for a while and then answer his question.

"Lloyd. Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon."

They all now look at Zane. "He's saying the truth."

They all except Pixal and Zane gasp and start to discuss.

"He can't be telling the truth, Zane your program must be broken!!!" Says Jay while the others nod.

"Just look at him." Says Pixal and they all look at me. "The Garmadon Junior we know is a spoiled, arrogant, asshole, who loves to get all the attention, loves to torture and kill people, and be treated like royalty. He's a pain in the ass, he talks rude and only with insults, this one doesn't say a single insult yet. I'm not even sure if he has the guts to insult someone."

They just look at me, Cole walks over to me and grabs me by my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

"You're right even when Kai hit him he didn't snap. But he looks just like him."

Zane pushes Cole away and then I look back into his eyes.

"So you're Lloyd right?"

I nod and he keeps holding my finger while staring into my eyes.

"Do you know where you are?"


Zane looks at his friends. "This was a lie."

They now look at me and Kai pulls me by my hair. "Hey tell us the truth!"

"Arghhh....look I know we are in Ninjago..! B-But...this is not the Ninjago I know!! It's...complicated."

They all step back. "This place was called Ninjago the last time almost 20 years ago. Since Garmadon took over it's only a wasteland. Almost all the people left this place."

I look at them. "B-But...yesterday everything was still normal. You guys were normal. I don't understand what is going on...and when everybody left why are you still here?"

They look at each other and Jay steps in front of me. "Because we fight you and your father. We're here to free this place from your kind. We got trained by our master, your uncle and now we're doing everything to fulfill his last wish. 'Defeat my brother and save this city.' We're the world's last hope. We're the resistance."

Energy Guardian: Season 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें