19. Impossible

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Lloyd's POV

I run through the whole building. I have no clue where I am but this place is huge. And those strange warriors are also following me.

//Can't someone just finally wake me up from this nightmare?!?!//

I'm running through a big entry and kick a door open. I walk outside and what I see there shocks me. I'm on some kind of balcony of a tall building and I can look over whole Ninjago.

But not the Ninjago I know of.

It's like an apocalypse version of Ninjago. Destroyed streets, buildings are on fire.

"I-I don't get it...what happened to Ninjago..."

"Garmadon Junior." I hear a voice saying behind me. I look around and see those warriors of stone standing there. One of them is talking. "Come here and your parents will bring you to the hospital. You'll be fine."

"G-Garmadon Junior...?"

They walk towards me, I just look at them with big eyes, shocked and confused, I push them away and run through the crowd back inside.

"This can't be true, I must be dreaming, hallucinating, or both!!"

I run through the floor on the search for an exit. There must be an elevator or stair to get down since I am on some kind of tower or building. I find an elevator and start to drive in it down. While I lean at the wall I just breathe heavily and close my eyes.

//I don't get it. My mother is alive? I'm still with Harumi and I'm living with my father? Garmadon Junior and my hair and eyes are brown? This has to be some kind of sick dream.//

The elevator suddenly stops and I hear a voice talking through some speakers. It's the voice of my father.

"Junior, you have to calm down everything will be alright."

I look around and try to open the door of the elevator.

"Nothing is alright in this nightmare!! And my name is Lloyd!!"

I manage to open the door, I run out of the elevator and use the stairs which are luckily next to the elevator to get down.

//Uncle, I need to find him!! He knows for sure what's going on!!//

I find the exit out of the building and look around. I hide behind some rubbish of a broken street and watch the stone warrior running out of the building to search for me.

I take a deep breath and hold my head.

//Ok, Jun-ehm Lloyd. Oh god, my head hurts like hell. I'm Lloyd. Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. And I have to find now my uncle. The monastery. He must be there.//

I look around and start to make my way through the streets. I just don't understand what is going on here. Everything is destroyed in the whole city. And I noticed people looking at me strangely and avoiding me. I finally reached the monastery but it's completely destroyed. Burned down and like someone has rolled over it.

"N-No...this can't be."

I step back a bit, close my eyes and then start to run off.

"Nonono this just a nightmare just a bad nightmare."

I start to run even faster through the streets, jumping over gaps in the streets and cars on the way to a certain place.


I scream while keep running through the empty streets. When I reach the place I stand in front of the cemetery and look at the sign over it, it looks really old and dilapidated, plants started to grow over it. I run into the cemetery and run to the grave where originally my mother lied. And when I find it but read another name on it I feel like my heart stopped beating.

Master Wu
Died a hero in order to save our city.

There's more written on it but moss started to grow over it and made the last words unreadable. I fell on knees and just look at the grave with tears rolling down my cheeks. I sob quietly while bowing down and clenching my hands into the earth under me.

"No..." I start to hit the ground with my fists while crying and screaming his name. I just can't believe it.

He's dead.



When it started to rain I kept sitting there and just looked at the grave. Maybe an hour or two I sat there and stared at his name. Meanwhile, my whole clothes are soaking wet. I stand up slowly and look at his grave.

"I'm going to fix this." I say while sobbing and rubbing over my eyes. "I-I promise you. I won't stop until you're back."

I start to slowly walkout, I take a deep breath and ruffle through my wet hair.

"Ok, Lloyd calm down. Try to find out what happened and how you got into this nightmare."

I walk out of the cemetery and look around. The rain is still falling and I look at my hands and then cross my arms trying to warm myself a bit.

"Why am I wearing a leather jacket either way. Isn't comfortable or warm." I sigh while closing my eyes. "I should stop to talk to myself. I miss Tigg."

Just when I open my eyes again I want to start to walk away when someone holds me and presses a tissue over my mouth. My eyes wide and I try to free myself but after some seconds my eyes start to get heavy and I see some schemes of people coming toward me.


My eyes close slowly and I hear some familiar voices talking before I lose consciousness.

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