2. School

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Lloyd's PoV.

I arrive in the classroom just in time. Looks like Mr. Ronin isn't here yet. I sigh relieved when someone jumps me and kisses me. I look at her suprised, just hold her tight and return her kiss. "Hello my love."

She smiles at me and strokes through my hear, my friends all look at us and act like they have to vomit. I look at them and role my eyes.

"Hey, Jay and Nya and Zane and Pixal are just as bad as we are."

We all start to laugh while I just have an arm around Rumi's waist.

"I still can't accept that our little Lloyd has a girlfriend before me." Says Cole laughing while ruffling through my hair everybody laughs while I just look at him pounting.

"You guys act like I'm 7-years old."

"Because you are."


They keep laughing while I sigh and start to laugh with them. When our teacher enters the classroom we all sit down and the class begins. While class runs I somehow got distracted and just looked at Rumi with a dreamy smile when suddenly a piece of chalk hits me forehead. I look to the front and see Mr Ronin looking at me angry.

"So Lloyd, since you're finally paying attention to my class you can tell me the answer to my question right?"

"Ehm...what question?" I smile embarrased while my friends all facepalm and Rumi just chuckles cute. Mr Ronin points at the door. "Wait outside, we'll talk after the lesson."

I sigh and stand up, walking out of the class and closing the door behind me. Good work Lloyd, really. I stand beside the door and wait untill class ends. But it doesn't come so far because in the middle of the lesson my handy starts to vibrate, I take it out and see that an akuma appeared.

"Ok Tigg, you know what we ha-"

I look around confused.


My eyes wide. Oh no she's in my backpack! What do I do?? I look around and then look to the door. What am I supposed to say?? I need my backpack to stand outside?? I take the door handle and already think off what I'm gonna say when Tigg flies through the wall of our classroom. I look at her relieved.

"Thank god, Tigg never leave my side again."

She flies up to me and lands on my hand. "I'm sorry Lloyd, but Harumi looked at your table for a while I couldn't fly out of your backpack."

I just look at her smiling. "It's ok but now we have to do something else, come on!!"

I run away with her to find a safe place to transform.

The fight didn't took long, after some minutes I was able to defeat the villain and purify the akuma. I run back to the school, hoping I would still be there in time to speak with Mr Ronin. When I arrive there I hear the bell, I run inside on the way to my classroom. I already see everybody leave the classroom, when I arrive at the door. I stand there, breathing heavy while Mr Ronin looks out of the room and confused at me.

"Come in..." We both walk in, he leans at his desk while I stand infront of him.

"Lloyd, I noticed something strange about you a while ago. Your behaviour changed."

I look at him suprised. He noticed? "Ehm...what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Lloyd I'm worried about you. I don't know what is going on with you but I know that it's affecting your education. Now be honest Lloyd, did you really were infront the door the whole class? Because I had the feeling that you went somewhere."

He looks at me with a serious expression. Of course he noticed, after all he's our class teacher, he saw me growing up. I just look at him for  while and stay quiet.

"Silence is your answer huh? I don't force you to tell me, but if something is wrong you can always talk to me. I know you have a hard time, but I'm here for you alright?"

I smile slightly and nod. "I know...thank you Mr Ronin."

"Your welcome Lloyd. And please try to focus on the class next time and not on Harumi."

A smirk appears on his face while I just look embarrassed on the ground and turn completely red, nodding. I grap my things as fast as possible and then leave the classroom. While leaving I only hear him laugh. On the floor my friends are waiting for me.

"And? What did he say?"

I sigh and shake my head. "Nothing important. But now I need to go to my kendo training, the international tournament is soon."

"We can't wait to see you winning it!" Says Nya while punching me gently into the shoulder. I laugh and look at her smiling. 

"Who knows, our enemy is strong, but I'm sure we'll be able to win!"

We all smile and I leave them, going to the training room. Infront of the room I take the door handle and already want to enter when I feel someone stare at me.

"Who's there??"

I look around and try to see who's there. But there's nobody, the floor is completely empty. For a while I look around suspicious, then I just enter the room and try to forget it. I start to train along with the other club members. On the tournament I'll be presenting our school, yes the most people were against me but the other club members insisted that I have to attend if the school want's to win against the other schools. After the  training we all sit together and take a break.

"And Lloyd, do you think you're ready for the tournament?" Asks Skylor, sitting on a bench and looking at me. I sit on a seat cushion, brush through my wet hair and nod.

"Yes, we've trained so much. I'm sure I can do this."

Akita walks over to me, she stands behind me and leans over my head.

"And if you dare to lose we'll blame you. Don't forget that it's a tournament with students from all over the world. We already have home advantage it would be a shame to lose."

I look up to her and smile determined
"Don't worry we'll win this, I know it."

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