33. Felix

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Lloyd's POV

And from that point, I stayed in Paris. I got to live with Master Fu and he even teaches me more about being the guardian. And I also started to fight alongside with Ladybug and Chat Noir against Hawkmoth and his Akuma's. At the same time, I go with Marinette to her school. I got pretty close to Marinette, Adrien, and the others of the class. Sadly I haven't found out yet how to save my father. It's sometimes hard but I'm sure I will find out how to save him.

Right now we're all sitting on a boat from Juleka's mom. She's pretty cool and loves music just like Juleka and her older son Luka. He's super cool and is a great musician.  And he has feelings for Marinette. He's also part of this love disaster with Marinette, Adrien and Kagami, another nice girl. They don't know about it but for an outsider who also knows about Marinette's and Adrien's hero identities, it's just a big love disaster.  Anyways right now we're all video chatting together and talking about Adrien. Today is a hard day for him, today one year ago his mother passed away. I know how he feels. He's at home and we're all talking about how we could cheer him up or show him that we care for him when Marinette comes up with the idea of making videos and saying some words for him. Nino started and then I made a video.

"Hey Adrien, I know that those times are hard. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. So if you need to talk don't forget we're here for you and we always will. I want to tell you that you should always remember her, always keep her in your heart. She will never be completely gone if you always keep her in your heart. See you soon buddy."

I stop the video and give the tablet to Alya.

"Wow Lloyd, you said that amazing."

I just smile while the others make their videos. At some point, Marinette took the tablet and left with it. Shortly after that Luka decided to look for her since she wasn't coming back. We waited there when we received a video of Adrien and started to watch it.

"First of all, thanks so much for all your messages, guys. Really sending me messages on today of all days to remind me how sad I'm supposed to be feeling, why that's great. Really thanks a lot. My father was right, what could I possibly get out of going to school hanging out with you people is a total waste of time. And Chloe you're still the same spoiled brat you ever were I know that."

I look at the video with big eyes. No, that's not Adrien. It can't be him. I stand up and look at them.

"That's not Adrien! He would never say something like that!!"

I see an Akuma landing on the tablet and my eyes wide. Alya, Juleka and Rose get those purple butterfly masks in front of their eyes.

//Oh no. Adrien is in danger! I have to find him!//

I start to run off and when I'm out off sight Tigg flies out of my pocket.

"What's going on??"

"I don't know Tigg, but I know that wasn't him! He would never do something like that! Tigg, ninja go!"

She transforms me and I start to make my way to his house. Since I know about Adrien being Chat Noir he told me his window is always open so I'm using it sometimes too to visit him. I'm already seeing his house and the open window. I jump through it and look around. Nobody is her.

"Tigg, ninja hide!"

I detransform and catch her with my hand. I place her gently in my pocket and give her some candy. I look around the room and search for him.

"Adrien!! Adrien, come out we gotta bring you somewhere save!!"

I notice that the door to his bathroom opens, I look to it and see someone walking out. I look at the person for a while.

"No...you aren't Adrien. You look similar but you aren't him! Who are you??"

"You aren't Adrien either, what are you doing here!! And why do you look like him??"

"Wait...you were the one who made those videos!! How dare you act like Adrien!!"

We're staring at each other angry when the door to the room opens and someone enters it. We both look to the door and see Adrien, the real one, entering.

"What? Lloyd, what are you doing here?"

I walk over to Adrien. "Adrien this guy made a rude video and sent it to us! Everybody thought it was you and they were really disappointed. Alya, Rose and Juleka got akumatized, you have to get out of here, they're on the way here to get you!!" I look around and then take some of Adrien's clothes. I run into the bathroom, change fast and walk out again looking like Adrien. Adrien just looks at the other person with a shooked and disappointed expression. 

"Felix? But..why would you do something like that?"

I noticed that the one named Felix looks away without a word. I just sigh and look at them.

"We don't have time for this. You, Felix, are going to change again, if they see you, you could be in danger. Adrien, you're going to hide somewhere. Wait until Ladybug, Chat Noir, or the green Ninja appear." I wink him and he nods. "I'm going to distract them as long as possible. At some point, they will notice that I'm not you, they won't hurt me so don't worry. Now go!"

Just when Adrien wants to walk out Felix walks over to me. "Why should I listen to you? You have nothing to say here."

I look at him for a while and then look to Adrien. "Go. I can handle this." Adrien looks at me for a while, then nods and runs out. I look at Felix and cross my arms.

"I don't know what you're trying to achieve but you hurt a lot of people with that video. For what you did we're going to talk later but now you're in danger. Those villains can seriously hurt you."

Just when he wants to say something, his phone starts to vibrate and he drops it shocked when the three Villains jump through the phone into the room stand in front of us.

"Time for punishment naughty...boys??"

We look at them surprised and I step back.

//Not good.//

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