12. Win

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Lloyd's POV

And here I am. Standing on the field and fighting in the final against my last opponent.

You may ask now what happend that I can participate again.

Well after we went through the stadion we watched the recordings of the doorways in the building. Me, My friends, Mr Ronin, the mayor, our principle, the referee and some of the security guards watched those videos. We saw that when the last person left the room with the armors someone else grapped the door before it closed and then entered the room. That means he didn't needed a keycard to enter the room. The person wore a hood so you couldn't really see his face, I know that it's Morro but since I had no proof I didn't told the others. Anyways the person stayed in the room for a couple of hours and then left again. Since the camera could film a bit into the room we saw that everything was destoryed and before the person came in everything was alright. Then untill the next morning nobody entered the room until I appeared, used my keycard and opened the door. Since everybody saw my shocked reaction and that there was someone else who did it. The principle immediately apologized for accusing me without real evidence. Even the mayor and all the other people apologized. They immediately took my expel from the school and the tournament. Mr Ronin got his job back and even got a raise. The next day I was allowed to fight and I successfully won.

Now I'm standing here in the final. The whole stadion is cheering for either me or my opponent, he calls himself "Omega". I don't know his real name, therefore I'm just using his nickname. We stand infront of each other, staring into each other's eyes. A smirk appears on his face.

"I don't know how you little twerk managed to get this far in the tournament, but your luck is now over. You won't defeat me."

He gets his sword by the referee just like me. I raise it and point at him. "Don't underestimate me. This is my city."

When the referee starts the fight we run at each other. And we're just some seconds in the fight and I already noticed that he's a worthy opponent. Maybe a bit too worthy. I have a hard time dodging his sword with mine. Since he's much taller and almost twice as massive as me It doesn't look good for me. He hit's me on time after another. I hear people yelling my name telling me to not give up. For a moment I close my eyes.

I can't defeat him, he's stronger.

For a moment I think and then remember something my uncle teached me.

Or something he got from my father and teached me.

I didn't thought I would ever use this. Something from my father.

I take a deep breath and then look at him with a smile on my face. I lower my sword and the whole stadion starts to question what I'm doing. I stand there, normally, not in the fighting position. My opponent starts to smirk and runs towards me, with his sword ready to hit me.

"What? Already giving up????"

The whole stadion starts to yell, telling me I have to dodge or raise my sword. I wait untill he's near enough and then step to the side. He runs past me and then turns around angry. I smirk at him and show him my tongue. "Not giving up yet."

He starts to keep attacking me but I just dodge his attacks, while walking around him softly, like the wind is blowing me through the air. While he aggressively tries to attack me with his sword. As soon as he's tired and breathing heavily I raise my sword and then defeat him, touching his chest with my sword and causing him to fall back.

When he falls the whole stadion is quiet. Nobody can believe what just happend. After some seconds of silence we're hear the whistle of the referee and the whole stadion starts to cheer. I look around, not believing what just happend. For a moment I close my eyes, then take a deep breath holding my sword in the air. All the people yell my name and cheer.

I look around and see my friends, school and all the other schools. They're all cheering. I look to the tribune with my school and see my friends und Uncle cheering, my kendo club looking at me crying and yelling good work. And then I see Mr Ronin, standing there with crossed arms and smiling at me.

I smile slightly and the referee stands beside me, holding my arm up and talking into the microphone.

"Lloyd Garmadon the fighter from the Ninjago High School once again suprised all of us with something new. Tell us Lloyd what did you do there??"

I look around and say into the microphone. "It's a fighting style I got teached a long time ago. I never used it untill now. So I'm just suprised as everybody else."

"Woah, he won with something completely new!!! That's our international kendo winner, LLOYD GARMADON!!!"

Once again, cheering and yelling for me. After a ceremony I got the pokal and my school came to me and praised me for winning. My kendo club first grounded me for all the stupid things I did and got into during the tournament but after all they were really proud. Just as my friends and uncle. Right now I'm sitting in the changing room, already changed and just relaxing a bit. Just when I want to leave I hear a crack and a window opening. I turn around and my eyes wide when I see this dark creature. Or my father. He looks at me, silently, with his four arms crossed. I'm holding my pocket in my hand but just dropped it when I saw him.

"The art of the silent fist? You can perform it?"

I look at him suprised. Did he watched me fight?

"Ehm...yeah uncle teached me it. I thought I told you already...?"

"You said he told you about it. I wouldn't have thought he would teach you since.."

"He could never perform it as good as you. I know, he told me he wasen't really good in it. But..." I look to the side and sigh. "He thought me anyway so.... I could feel...some kind of connection to...my father.."

I don't see it but I notice that his hands kinda clinch into his arms and he got somehow more serious. He turns around, facing the open window.

"You fought amazing. Congratulations on winning."

I scratch the back of my neck and smile embarrassed. "Thank you...ehm...why don't you...teach me the right art of the silent fist...?"

I look at his back and notice once again that he somehow clinches together. When I hear my friends voices and someone opening the door behind me I turn around.

"Lloyd come on we have to party about your win!!!" Says Kai with a wide smirk along with the others except Pixal and Zane. I turned around and just saw the empty room with the open window. They both look just like me to the window and then back to me.

"Lloyd is everything good?" Asks Pixal while I go to the window and close it sighing. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry."

"You sure?" Asks Zane while I go over to pick up my bag. I smile at them and then leave the room. "Yes now come on!!!"

My friends look at each other and then sigh.

"We have to tell him soon." Says Cole and the others nod.

"But...let's do it after the party. Since Harumi won't come back we have some time untill we tell him."

They all leave the room together and follow me outside to party with all the other schools and everybody else. It was a big party during the whole night.

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