38. Accusations

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Lloyd's POV

I'm on the way to the classroom, a bit tired. I'm not sleeping pretty well lately. At night I'm in the secret room, trying to find out more about my father's location. I decided to not find out more about my family, but I wanted to know more about Felix and Chloe and their child. Sadly I didn't really found out anything about them. I enter our classroom and see all, standing in a circle around my desk.

"What's going on?" //This feels kinda familiar. When my identity was revealed they were also...crowded like this..// I look at them nervously.

All turn around to me, Kai comes immediately to me and grabs me by my shoulders. He stares into my eyes seriously.

"Lloyd someone tried to frame you."

"What? What are you talking about?"

One of our classmates opens my desk.

"You know that someone stole the money from our class fund. We found it."

Right, it was always locked up in a drawer of Mr. Ronin's desk. Our classmate reaches into my desk and takes out the envelope with the money. I look at it with big eyes.

"W-What?? How did it get there??"

Everybody looks at me, judging, angry, and blaming me for this, except my friends.

"Guys you know Lloyd, he would never do something like that!!!" Says Pixal and the others agree.

"Who knows." Says Shadow. He was the one who took the money out of my desk. His real name is Tokoyami but we just call him Shadow since he's always wearing dark clothes and always stands in shaddy places. "Maybe he decided to be more like his father." Now my whole class except my friends looks at me accusing. I step a little back and then feel someone behind me. I look up and see Mr. Ronin who puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You guys know Lloyd now for almost 6 years. You should know him better. Everybody could have put the money there. You should be just ashamed for accusing him without real evidence. Remember what happend at the kendo tournament? He was also accused for something he didn't do and it was also proved. Let's just be happy that it is back. And now everybody sit down, class is about to start."

We all sit down but I still feel the glances on me. After the lesson, my friends are getting me out of the classroom. Outside we are standing together and I just look at the ground.

"I...I didn't do it...really."

"We know Lloyd." Nya lays a hand on my cheek and strokes over it. "You would never do something like that." The others nod. "But I would like to know who did this. I didn't think someone from our class would do something like that."

"Maybe it wasn't someone from our class. Everybody could have done that as long as they know where the money is and which desk is Lloyd's." Explains Zane and the others agree. I just look at the ground while Kai ruffles through my hair. "Don't worry Lloyd, we know that you didn't do it."

The next days were awful for me. Destroyed toilets, sprayed walls, and more accusations. No matter what happened, it was my fault. I got send to the principal multiple times and I always said the same. 'It wasn't me.'. I understand it's hard to believe me, many people still had doubts about me after the incident at the international kendo tournament, and after all the spraying says 'School sucks - Garmadon rules.' or 'Bow down to Garmadon.'. And due to my father being an evil lord who tries to take over the world I can understand they think it's me. But I didn't do it, I would never do something like that. I'm even protecting them every single day. Why would I do that? But of course, I can't tell them, so I stay quiet and have to take the blame.

Nya's POV

The class already started and we all look at the chalkboard. I look to the side and see Lloyd's empty desk. Even though empty is the wrong word. On the desk are written insults and much more. We tried to remove them but it didn't work. It concerns me more that he isn't there. He lately came often late to class but I'm just worried. We all watch Mr. Ronin write something down on the chalkboard even though I and the others can't really focus on it. I just look at his empty table as the door opens.

"You're late." says Mr. Ronin without looking away from the board.

"I'm sorry..." says a quiet and weak voice and now we all look to the door and our eyes wide. Mr. Ronin looks to the door too and he drops the chalk in shock.

Lloyd stands there. His clothes are ripped and one of his backpacks strips is ripped off and he just drags the backpack after him. He has bruises all over his arms, his hair is messed up, his right eye is swollen and blue and there comes a bit blood out of his nose. Tears are rolling down his cheeks but there's still a smile on his lips.

,,I-It won't happen again...I-I promise..."

Cole, Jay, Zane, Kai, Pixal, and I all jump up, run through the class over to him. Kai grabs him by his shoulders and looks at him shooked and worried.

"Lloyd, who did this??? Who did this to you???" Asks Kai and we all just look at him worried, but he just stares in the air and keeps smiling.

"Nobody...nobody did anything to me." He then looks at Kai and smiles even though tears are rolling down his face. "I-I'm fine..."

While the boys are just looking angry, Pixal and I take his backpack, she takes out a tissue and wipes his tears and the blood away while I fix his clothes and hair. Mr. Ronin comes to us.

"You guys please sit down again. I bring Lloyd to the infirmary and let his uncle take him home. Please make task 2 on page 218."

We let go of Lloyd and our teacher goes with him out, closing the door behind them. We all just look at each other, Kai growls angrily and looks at the class.

"Are you happy now? Did you achieve what you wanted??"

The whole class just looks ashamed on the ground. I put a hand on his shoulder. "Kai calm down...we're angry too but don't blame them.."

Kai slaps my hand away and Zane, Jay and Cole stand next to him. "No Kai's right." Says Cole and they all nod. "They let Lloyd down and now he's hurt!!!" Says Jay and looks to his classmates, just sitting on their seats looking ashamed on the ground. "Lloyd always helped you no matter what, he never let anyone of you down!!" The four of them start to scream at our classmates and blame them, Pixal and I try to stop them, hopeless. Pixel's phone makes a sound and she takes it out looking at it. It seems to shook her because her eyes wide and she covers her mouth. She turns her phone around and we see a picture of Lloyd, laying on the ground and covering his head. The next moment she get's a video and it plays. A video of Lloyd how he gets beaten up. We all just stare at the screen angrily and when we hear some laughs we get even angrier.

"Those little..."

We all just hold onto the phone and growl angrily when one of our classmates yells.


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