42. Hope

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Lloyd's POV

Just at the moment I detransformed he let go off me but I was able to see his shocked expression when he saw who was under the disguise of the green Ninja, even with the bandaid over my eye. I start to fall and hear all of my friends screaming my name in shock. And I just fall. Fall down the building. I see all of them standing at the edge of the building looking down to me in shock. While falling I hit some balcony, a strong pain drives from my right leg to my whole body and I start to scream in pain. It feels like the time is slow like I'm falling into my death extremely slow. I get hit several times and it hurts so badly. The last thing I remember is this unbearable pain. I don't know what happened after that. Or where I am now.

Am I dead?

Is this it?

I failed as the guardian, I failed as the green Ninja.

And now he has the strongest miraculous that ever existed.

The world is doomed.

And I can't even fight and try to protect it.

It's my fault.

Kai's POV

《Minutes after Lloyd fell》


The whole time it was him. And we didn't even know. What kind of friends are we? And now, he's gone. We...we fought him. We got ourselves akumatized and fought him! I clench my hands into fists and look angry and with tears in my eyes at the ground.

"T-This...this is all..." I look to a certain person. "YOUR FAULT!!!"

I run to him and I'm ready to fight him but Cole and Jay are holding me back, I look at them furiously and they both are just holding me back with tears in their eyes. Nya stands in front of me with her arms spread and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Kai, we're all shocked, we're all angry!! But do you really think Lloyd would want you to hurt someone?!?!"

I look past her and at Morro standing behind her. He's going backward and then just leaving the roof, leaving us alone. Garmadon and the quiet one also left. I take a deep breath and try to calm down.


The others just look at me sadly. I see Zane laying a hand on my shoulder and showing me something on his hand.

"Lloyd...as the green Ninja gave me this secretly. We can't give up now. Lloyd always fought for us, for Ninjago, against his own father! He must have a plan. We should do what he wants. If we don't do something everything Lloyd did, every time he fought against his father would have been useless!!"

I take the pendant from his hand and look at it.

"But..what does that mean?"

I turn the pendant around and look at it from each side. I notice a little grip and it opens. We all look at it and inside of it lays a small piece of paper and...

"A picture of us..."

Says Pixal and we all look at it sadly. He always had this with him? I take the note and unfold it, reading the words written on it out loud.

"If you see this, you probably know
I'm not a child I had to grow.
A strong power was given to me
I had no choice, said my destiny
I couldn't fight alone
I trusted my friends well known
You already know what to do
For all of you, it's nothing new
To get what you're searching for
You have to open a secret door
Show yourself your thumb
Now it sounds kinda dumb
At the same time say it out loud,
Your name and make me proud.
I trust you to fight alongside me
Let's do this and set my father free.

I stare at the written words, quietly and not knowing what to do. I look up and see that they are all looking down. I sigh and look at the picture in the pendant.

"Come on guys. Lloyd sacrificed himself for this city, he wants to protect this city and free his father. Let's follow this poem. Has anybody an idea of what he could mean?"

I look around, Zane and Pixal take the note while we start to walk the building down.

"Urgh why did he had to be so cryptic about this."

On the way down I look at my phone and see a video of the whole fight in the news. How do they always get to film everything? Anyways the whole fight up the building and also the green Ninja's true identity is seen. It's spread all over the internet that Lloyd is the green Ninja.

"I don't know. But we should probably go to the monastery first. If Wu saw the news he must be worried about Lloyd."

The others nod and we all go to the monastery. I stand in front of the door and knock. Nothing happens. I look at the door and then try to open it, it's not locked. We look at it surprised and then enter.

"Wu, Wu!!! You here??"

No answer.

"Maybe he's at the shop?"

Says Jay and we just look around. We decide to first go to Lloyd's room. We feel a bit bad for looking through his stuff but since he was so cryptic we don't have another hint where to search. We noticed some little things which could've lead us to the conclusion that he's the green Ninja. We kinda feel bad for not noticing it earlier. It's super obvious, he's never there during an Akuma attack, he started to be late and be always tired. And those three months the green Ninja wasn't active were the 3 months Lloyd layed in the hospital, how can it be that we haven't noticed sooner? We left Lloyd's room and walked outside, through the hallway. We remembered that Lloyd got some kind of hobby room after Wu lost his memories and Lloyd already was the green Ninja at the time maybe the thing we're searching is in there. We enter the room and start to look around, through the stuff, behind the furniture but we don't find a thing. We already want to leave but Pixal just stays inside and stares at the wall. Zane notices that and walks back inside asking her what's wrong. He looks also to the wall and seems to notice the same thing

"Guys you have to see this!"

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